
Ursula Haverbeck Died & Tips for Drivers Who Encounter FAKE Cops on Road

Talking with some people who are now fighting against the FAKE cops in court, I feel the need of telling you my tips.

First of all, when I get into my car's driver's seat, I lock the doors.

And when FAKE cops stop you on the road, I never open my window wide. Just enough so that we can talk like this much the most,

They will keep complaining that they can't hear you and demand you to open further, but ignore them, and insist that you can hear them and they can hear you all right.

Long time ago, I didn't know this and opened my window further down, and you know what happened!?? They STOLE MY KEY with all the other keys on the key-chain.

So I never make that mistake ever again.
BUT, depending on what kind of fake cop you encounter, above might not be a good idea. If your opponent is very aggressive and threatens you that he would break the window, you'd better shut the window, get out and lock the car to talk - hopefully you have enough knowledge to scare them away.
(This extra info added on 02FEB25)

As I might have said before, their 'breath test' is to make their evil mate who's company make those kits RICHER, while Victoria Police the COMPANY must be getting some kick back.

Think how many real criminals they ever catch by those tests!!

Same goes with their 'drug test', which is simply to collect your DNA sample.

Anyway, I was going to my daughter's that day, and these FAKE cops totally ignored whatever I was telling them, so I decided to be COERCED and COMPLY and take their tests UNDER DURESS, then CHARGE Shane Patton MORE as I repeatedly told them.

Encounter with FAKE cops 1

Encounter with FAKE cops 2

Encounter with FAKE cops 3

See, he clearly said "ORAL FLUID", so there is NO NEED to make those tips SCRAPE your tongue!! Remember that, everyone.

Encounter with FAKE cops 4

Did you see that smile on his face at the end!??

That implies they get commission for every test they manage to conduct!!

Then this FAKE cop tried to MAKE ME SAY my address ever so persistently. Here I videotaped my video to omit some part which contains my personal information.

Encounter with FAKE cops 5

Back to the original.

Encounter with FAKE cops 6

Interesting thing is, that I'm sure they HAVE to make YOU say it, but the other FAKE Leading Senior Constable who started this job recently DIDN'T KNOW IT!!

I didn't get that in video but he even AGREED with me, my sign that says Canola is POISON!! And I kept urging him to look for another job. Then he said that he can pay mortgage with this and then, they NEVER NEED to complain like,

But the younger FAKE Senior Constable was still insisting to make me say it,

Encounter with FAKE cops 7

As I said at the end, I NEVER NODDED but was shaking my head.

At any rate, I will defeat them in court or even before getting their FAKE court. Also as I wrote above, I charged Patton a lot more for this HARASSMENT.

Everybody should learn HOW TO FIGHT BACK like me and many others, so that we can turn everything around!!

Now on the other subject.

I saw this on FB the other day,

She was a very courageous woman who fought to reveal the huge lie, and recover confidence in German people, restore its and Hitler's honour. Due to the criminal liars' response, Ursula had to spend her 90th birthday in jail!!

If you're still remaining in the dark, watch this first,

Six Million Jews 1915-1938
by TheTrans22


Europa The Last Battle

As usual, it's really simple but many have been so heavily and deeply brainwashed, so their EMOTION blocks their eyes and ears, and that works perfectly well for Illuminati.

The majority in the world probably don't even know that the number they claimed that were killed was originally "Four million" in Auschwitz alone.

But they lowered it to "ABOUT one and a half million"

while Red Cross figure back in those days showed,

The main stream media that never cease to smear her even upon her death, using words to denounce her credibility and her righteous efforts

One of them, Independent's article (though they are all the same, as usual) saying:

"1.1 million Jews were murdered"

BUT they don't say the total number was lowered cause even after that reduction, they keep telling us that "six million killed" story.
And SADLY, the majority of readers never question that.

They don't think we can do a very simple MATH to say the least. And
Sheople have been SO dumbed down, therefore I call them Brainless Zombies.

Also, as many of you already know hopefully, Hitler's Germany was NOT using the term "Nazi / Nazis". As one of my mates brilliantly said, "Nazi" is from Ashkenazi!! i.e. they know HOW EVIL they themselves are!!

And we've got to continue to wake up more for her sake as well.

Rest in peace, Frau Ursula Haverbeck!!

And as usual, check out below if you haven't:

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

Not just lines: Chemtrails / ChemSky, you are inhaling poison everyday.

And I repeat, NEVER forget, even if they were not companies but legit Governments, that system is simply giving you an illusion that you are participating in politics by voting, while voting means you're giving your political power and responsibility to a total stranger!!

That’s why they become SO POWERFUL and commit unforgivable crimes one after another upon us!! So we've got to be very careful with gate-keepers of this system, and end to have this fraudulent system called 'government' altogether. It's a fraud in order to control us, rob us and poison us.

I repeat, beware!! There are tons of FAKE GOV's agents/spies, seeming our heroes and heroines everywhere.

Also have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do. As long as it's on the body, they won't disturb you at all.

Because SNS cannot spread the word (those whom we want to wake up won't come to see our posts), make sure to wake up others in real life.

Last but not least, do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened.

And keep using cash!!
