How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - FAKE Parking Fine #1
OK, so I believe you got yourself ready by saving various images that I showed you,
How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - Be Prepared!
I assume you understand our ugly reality where evil criminals are controlling almost everything & everywhere if not all. And we have no other choice but to fight back, if we want the human race to survive, and for our children + future generation to have some decent life.
So, I’ll show you today, how to refuse paying their FAKE parking fines.
I’ve been using this method over the years, and so far none of them, the FAKE local government (which are COMPANIES) ever came back to harass me any further except just one, but I kept insisting that they are the thieves, and they gave up.
That is not necessarily a guarantee so to speak that it will work for you too, but I see no reason to say otherwise.
I will show you what I did and what I will repeat doing if I get any more FAKE parking ticket, but it is YOUR CHOICE whether if you do it or not.
And yet, as far as I can see, we have no other choice but DEFEAT THEM to regain the world, or rather, for the first time probably, to get this world back into our hands.
As far as I can see, the only way is to STOP giving the traitorous criminals our power i.e. money and vote. If many of us do that, they will automatically collapse. Or even if we don’t get there so easily, you can tell others around you that you proved they are the criminals, and we’ve been getting robbed for so many years!!
Yes, it could be somewhat messy or disastrous if we made them collapse, but then is it OK for evil doers to conquer the world as they wish, where many will be murdered and the rest to be their absolute slaves?
If this JP single mother can do it, why not MACHO AUSSIES!?
First of all, I sent “Notice of Demand” to a FAKE local government who issued the FAKE parking fine, shown as below. I did this twice with ‘City of Melbourne’ the Company and some others, basically using Scott’s method.
The last time I saw Scott Bartle on the net, he was living in the U.S., married to an American who is a psychic. Sounds weird, eh?
I am sure he got fed up with evil Freemasons who must have harassed him every time he was on the road driving. If you remember, from his documentary, he fought against the Department of Transportation the COMPANY in W.A.
So I’m sure he got tired to fight back, but I wonder if he was framed, just like David Shayler, a former MI5 or MI6 who spoke up on 9/11 official lie, who was turned to be a transvestite. Or another 9/11 truther, Derek in the Midwest, who was exposing that seeming 9/11 truther, Luke Rudkowski along with some others, is working for the other side. And then he became some crazy Christian believer.
If you're interested in 9/11 Truth, watch Mark Jungworth a.k.a. “Derek” talking like here,
WeAreChange has been Inflitrated by the Illuminati! - Dan Wallace Murdered
Very alert young man who spotted many agents among our side, turned into this.
What happened to Derek in The Midwest?
And if you don’t know who Dan Wallace was, watch,
Dan Wallace speaks about 9/11 Truth
The man who approaches Dan after his talk is Luke Rudkowski, who killed Dan when he was finishing a documentary to say CFR was behind 9/11.
Back to Scott's method.
Either way, Scott’s site is still there,
but I’m not sure who is taking care of it. So if you go there, just be careful.
Now, back to my “Notice of Demand”.
I think this below was from my second time against ‘City of Melbourne’ the Company.
I happened to find their ABN number, so I added it there.
But you don’t have to have it.
All you need is a print out from DnB Company Search Results.
I’ll show you scanned version first, then the text without font, bold (except a few), italic etc. cause I can’t show that on this blog site (or I don’t know how to). So you can copy the text onto Word or note pad, and then see the scanned image, and fix font, allignment (to the left, or center) etc.
Notice of Demand
City of Melbourne
G.P.O. Box 244
Melbourne, Victoria 3001
ABN 55 370 219 287
Infringement Number: 70XXXXXX’
City of Melbourne
Your name
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal,
Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
Proponent sent Respondent’s address above ‘PENALTY REMINDER NOTICE’ in mail. First of all, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - Section 80 states:
Trial by jury
The trial on indictment of any offence against any law of the Commonwealth shall be by jury, and every such trial shall be held in the State where the offence was committed, and if the offence was not committed within any State the trial shall be held at such place or places as the Parliament prescribes.
(end quote)
Therefore Proponent must have held such a trial by jury at a court that practices the Common Law. However, even if there was one, it was without Respondent’s knowledge. Proponent needs to explain why this can be ever possible.
At the same time, Respondent points out that the Governments in this country at all levels are all Companies along with so-called ‘Victoria Police’ controlled by evil Freemasons and so forth. Governments are to be paid by the people and serve people, their genuine employer. Thus there was a term “public servant” which is NON-existent today. On the other hand, Companies are to make profit and please their shareholders. In cases like Proponent, a traitorous fraudulent companies have been deceiving, exploiting and stealing from the very people they are supposed to serve.
This is a shocking traitorous crime.
Such companies like Proponent do not possess any power or authority over any people on this earth unless someone has made a contract with both parties' signatures written with real ink, without being forced to sign but with full understanding of what such a contract actually means, which clearly declares he/she will allows them to steal and to make them recognize fraudsters’ power and authority that never exist as if they were legitimate Governments and/or Governmental bodies. Respondent has never made or signed any contract as such.
Demand for Evidence
As explained above, it is irrefutable that this entire thing is a sham. Therefore, before Respondent takes any action suggested by Proponent, Proponent must provide Respondent some verifiable and sufficient counter evidence to prove Proponent’s action and statement are lawful, constitutional and valid, under the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the State of Victoria which doesn’t exist, and the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the Commonwealth of Australia which doesn’t exist, as well as verifiable evidence to prove this COMPANY called ‘City of Melbourne’ is also a lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government.
Please provide good enough evidence within 21 days i.e. by 30th of June, 2021, which NONE of your co-conspirators such as our ‘Local Council’, ‘Victoria Police’, ‘Sheriff’s Office’, ‘Magistrates Court of Victoria’ to name a few could NOT provide at all. Without appropriate evidence to prove above, Proponent is committing a serious crime.
Commonwealth of Australia Crimes Act of 1914 (with Royal Assent, not repealed) states:
“Commonwealth officer” means any person holding office under the Commonwealth, and includes any person permanently or temporarily employed in the Public Service of the Commonwealth, or in or in connexion with the Naval or Military Forces of the Commonwealth, or in the service of any public authority under the Commonwealth and includes an officer of the Commonwealth Bank.
Any person who
a) personates any Commonwealth officer on an occasion when the latter is required to do any act or attend in any place by virtue of his office or employment; or
b) falsely represents himself to be a Commonwealth officer, and assumes to do any act or attend in any place for the purpose of doing any act by virtue of his pretended office or employment,
shall be guilty of an offence. Penalty: Imprisonment for two years.
(end quote)
Respondent believes the said penalty must apply with any personator and/or false representative of any level of the Government and its entity though the length of imprisonment should be much longer since Proponent’s crime is TREASON, which was to face the DEATH PENALTY before the traitors abolished it in 1965* to save their bottoms.
Take a note of what Chief Justice Latham stated in 1942 and another statement about "Concealment of Treason" (enclosed).
Default Position
In the absence of verifiable evidence to prove that ‘City of Melbourne’ is a lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government along with so-called ‘State of Victoria’ and ‘Commonwealth of Australia’, and that Proponent’s action and demand against Respondent are genuinely lawful, constitutional and valid under the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the State of Victoria and the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, Proponent acts fraudulently for Corporate Entity. Therefore they have NO AUTHORITY to charge fees to people who park their cars on the PUBLIC ROADS that belong to them to begin with, or charge fees for them to obtain things like ‘permit’, and their FAKE fines. So called ‘Infringement’ is absolutely null and void. Respondent has NO obligation to pay for this at all. Therefore, Proponent guarantees to never disturb Respondent ever again.
Needless to say, this position never changes even if so-called ‘State Government’ et al makes up a seeming law related with so-called ‘Local Government’ because any Act or Statute etc. they make up are all null and void since Companies cannot make law.
Last but not least, Respondent does not consent with the Admiralty Law.
Take notice and govern yourself accordingly.
Note: The definition of all words is to be found within common English dictionaries. Respondent believes Proponent does the same with the definition of all words.
Signed this 9th day of June 2021 at Number, Street name, Suburb, Victoria.
Your name
‘Commonwealth of Australia’ on COMPANY SEARCH Result page of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Treasury Corp of Victoria’ on COMPANY SEARCH Result page of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
‘State Government of Victoria, Department of Justice’ on COMPANY SEARCH Result page of Dun & Bradstreet which sells Company Data to investors
‘City of Melbourne’ on COMPANY SEARCH Result page of Dun & Bradstreet.
‘Victoria Police’ on COMPANY SEARCH Result page of Dun & Bradstreet
Quotes from Chief Justice Latham and “Concealment of Treason”
(end of copy&paste of “Notice of Demand”)
Obviously, you need to fix here and there as well, putting your name etc.
If you got the FAKE ticket on your car rather than via snail mail, you should describe that, and so forth. Needless to say, this sample is addressed to 'City of Melbourne' the COMPANY, but you write to the one which gave you the FAKE fine i.e. you search on DnB and get its screenshot etc.
One thing is, Scott never used “I, my…you, your…” but always stick to “Proponent” and “Respondent” (which is me and you). I don’t know why but I followed his way. There must be some reason, and if you know it, please let me know.
Also, the abolishment of Death Penalty was not quite back in 1965 according to Wikipedia which I cannot really rely on. I believe I heard that (1965) from Larry Hannigan that I do not trust. So make it something like “in the past” instead.
Ah, and I wrote:
Please provide good enough evidence within 21 days i.e. by 30th of June, 2021, which NONE of your co-conspirators such as our ‘Local Council’, ‘Victoria Police’, ‘Sheriff’s Office’, ‘Magistrates Court of Victoria’ to name a few could NOT provide at all. Without appropriate evidence to prove above, Proponent is committing a serious crime.
because I’ve been fighting against them for years, but you won’t use that bit:
“which NONE of your co-conspirators such as our ‘Local Council’, ‘Victoria Police’, ‘Sheriff’s Office’, ‘Magistrates Court of Victoria’ to name a few could NOT provide at all.” because you haven’t done so. Just like that, fix anything if necessary.
Please remember, I’m simply showing a sample here.
In case, I already told you how to contact me in
2022年11月27日 16:56 = November 27, 2022
What we need is MASS REFUSAL!!
But remember, I will definitely reply to you, therefore if you don’t hear from me, it means I never received your mail.
Also, I tend to make the dead-line “within 21 days” so that it actually gives me some time to forget about it! But don’t you forget it, cause you need to write more “Notice” to them.
And the last attachment I enclosed, is this
You can send this Notice by regular mail, or buy one of those yellow envelopes, so that you can check they received it all right by tracking on Australian Post (the Company since 1975)’s page.
If you want me to check what you prepared, you contact me, but just make sure you put everything you need to say. And GOOD LUCK!! ;O)
Be sure to read this below if you haven’t, in order to understand what is really happening,
Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!
And train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/spies among us, and share this with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more, not only on the net but in real life. Have some sign on your car like I do!!
Say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.
And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)