
'We the People' are way too Gullible & Naive

When I went to a farmers market in nearby town, and a young man I knew kindly gave me some organic carrots and rosemary!!

As you can see, these carrots are different from regular ones, very interesting texture almost like some kind of potatoes, but very nice. So I made a dish,

Organic coconut oil and garlic as usual, with rosemary and the carrot,

adding carrot leaves and prawns,

And enjoyed it very much! ;O)
I made bread with rosemary, too. YUM!!

Also at the market, some people told me about a group that meets in Traralgon. I asked around and found out that next meeting is like,

OMG, how wonderful to have a FAKE Government's agent for a speaker!???
Shame, so many of 'We the People' are so gullible and naive.
They haven't seen this??

It was probably on my previous blog that the criminals deleted a few years ago, but I told you this. I met her at a protest in the city and didn't get the right vibe at all. That was exactly the same with another agent named, Avi Yemini

Below is actually that Horn sign though the pointing and little fingers are a bit curled up.

Along with that doctor, who is obviously not genuine.

See more images here,

I also wrote, that her group, 'Reignite DEMOCRACY…' is obviously started by our enemy. As my mate in the U.K. pointed out, Australia is Monarchy, and
nothing to do with Democracy.

Hope this helps because we've been losing for centuries since many cannot see so many spies among us. Read my previous post if you haven't, and read below if you haven’t,

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

Share this with everyone you know, and tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and say.

Have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do because SNS cannot spread the word really. You should be able to see many Brainless Zombies won’t come to read what you write on the net. So we’ve gotta give them some hint in real life.

On top, do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened. But make sure to add that “Karma” bit at the beginning,

Last but not least, keep using cash!!
