Tedros talks about KILLING children & Ice Age Farmer on coming Shortages & Ultimate Pedo Doc
It’s weird but these criminals reveal what they’re doing to us time and time again. Here’s a short video of WHO the COMPANY’s Tedros telling us the real motive of injecting this poison.
January 1st, 2022
Listen carefully to this confession...
I made a meme (shown above), so please share far and wide.
And talking about the shortages coming, Ice Age Farmer reports related news from here and there.
Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses
Their crime is SO OBVIOUS in order to kill their own citizens.
Please be prepared for this. I’m sure there are differences in starting date/month and duration, but it will come worldwide, I’d say.
Last one is seriously disgusting.
Beyond my ability to describe.
As the Editor of HealthImpactNews warns,
Famous Polish Film Producer Creates Documentary Exposing the Sale of Babies for Sex and Organ Harvesting – If You can Handle it
it’s not nice at all.
I found it here,
December 31st, 2021
Apparently, it’s on YouTube, too.
Please share with others and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.
And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)