
How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - FAKE Parking Fine #2

So, you wrote and sent the Notice of Demand to the FAKE authority,

How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - Be Prepared!

How to REFUSE fraudulent demand of the Traitors - FAKE Parking Fine #1

and they can never show you any counter evidence that you demanded.
They might have sent you another… dunning letter but it doesn’t do any good for them. Just keep them for later.

So after the deadline you set in the first notice, you write “Notice of Fault”.

Notice of Fault

City of Melbourne
G.P.O. Box 244
Melbourne, Victoria 3001
ABN 55 370 219 287

Infringement Number: 70XXXXXXX’

City of Melbourne Your Name
Proponent Respondent

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal,
Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Respondent sent Proponent “Notice of Demand” dated 9th of June 2021, demanding some verifiable and sufficient COUNTER evidence to prove authenticity of Proponent in order for them to charge anyone any infringement. Dead-line for Proponent to present such evidence was 30th of June 2021. However, Respondent received NOTHING.

As Respondent showed Proponent, all of so-called ‘Governments’ in this country are all traitorous, fraudulent criminal COMPANIES. Even a small child can tell that Companies do NOT have authority or power that legitimate, constitutional, lawful Governments are supposed to have.

If a Company named KFC tells you that you have to pay their ‘FINE’, would you? Everybody would laugh at them or get angry. And that is our ugly reality. Proponent, this traitorous fraudulent COMPANY called ‘City of Melbourne’ has been simply deceiving citizens, and stealing money from them.

Governments are to serve people, their original employers.
Thus we have/had the term, “public servants” which is NON-EXISTENT. But Companies are to make profit so that they can please their shareholders. Governments and Companies are two VERY DIFFERENT things, and Companies CANNOT be Governments.

All the so-called ‘Governments’ in this country along with so many other countries in the world have been deceiving the nation which means people, the real owner of the land, they are there to lie to their original employers, and steal from them their health, wealth, freedom and rights. They waste people’s money constantly, forcing people to pay with fraudulent tactics such as what Proponent is doing to Respondent here, on top poisoning people by spraying chemtrails (real cause of making Dementia the second worst killer in Australia, though the real cause there is poisonous medication), fluoride in drinking water, Microwave Weapons which zap everybody really badly 24/7 night and day, and the list goes on. Compared with 10 years ago, everybody is getting zapped “quintillion times more” now (before 5G deployment) and that is EIGHTEEN ZEROs after one. No wonder why many fall ill. And now, the list includes poison called COVID-19 vaccine as W.A. FAKE Government honestly states it is POISON on their webpage, getting sold by using this FAKE pandemic.

At any rate, Companies have no power or authority as Proponent wishes. If that can be possible, any company such as Coles or MacDonald’s can hold a court hearing and decide whatever they want as well as making up all sorts of unreasonable, unconstitutional and nasty ‘Acts and Statutes’ and tell everybody else to obey. That does NOT happen. Just because a bunch of traitorous fraudulent criminals calling themselves ‘Governments’ does NOT give them any power or authority above anybody. It is obvious, Proponent is committing such fraud, therefore must be ashamed while they must have been HANGED for committing TREASON.

Demand for Evidence

As explained so far, it is irrefutable that this entire thing is a sham. Therefore, before Respondent takes any action suggested by Proponent, Proponent must provide Respondent some verifiable and sufficient counter evidence to prove Proponent’s action and statement are lawful, constitutional and valid, under the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the State of Victoria which doesn’t exist, and the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the Commonwealth of Australia which doesn’t exist, as well as verifiable evidence to prove this COMPANY called ‘City of Melbourne’ is also a lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government. Proponent already failed to present such evidence, but Respondent gives them one more opportunity here.

Please provide good enough evidence within 21 days i.e. by 24th of July, 2021, which NONE of your co-conspirators such as our ‘Local Council’, ‘Victoria Police’, ‘Sheriff’s Office’, ‘Magistrates Court of Victoria’ to name a few could NOT provide at all. Without appropriate evidence to prove above, Proponent is committing a serious crime.


Commonwealth of Australia Crimes Act of 1914 (with Royal Assent, not repealed) states:

  1. “Commonwealth officer” means any person holding office under the Commonwealth, and includes any person permanently or temporarily employed in the Public Service of the Commonwealth, or in or in connexion with the Naval or Military Forces of the Commonwealth, or in the service of any public authority under the Commonwealth and includes an officer of the Commonwealth Bank.

  2. Any person who

a) personates any Commonwealth officer on an occasion when the latter is required to do any act or attend in any place by virtue of his office or employment; or
b) falsely represents himself to be a Commonwealth officer, and assumes to do any act or attend in any place for the purpose of doing any act by virtue of his pretended office or employment,

shall be guilty of an offence. Penalty: Imprisonment for two years.
(end quote)

Respondent believes the said penalty must apply with any personator and/or false representative of any level of the Government and its entity though the length of imprisonment should be much longer since Proponent’s crime is TREASON which was to face the DEATH PENALTY before the traitors abolished it in 1965 to save their bottoms.

Default Position

In the absence of verifiable and sufficient evidence to prove that ‘City of Melbourne’ is a lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government along with so-called ‘State of Victoria’ and ‘Commonwealth of Australia’, and that Proponent’s action and demand against Respondent are genuinely lawful, constitutional and valid under the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the State of Victoria and the lawful, constitutional and valid de jure Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, Proponent acts fraudulently for Corporate Entity. Therefore they have NO AUTHORITY to charge fees to people who park their cars on the PUBLIC ROADS that belong to them to begin with, or charge fees for them to obtain things like ‘permit’, and their FAKE fines. So called ‘Infringement’ is absolutely null and void. Respondent has NO obligation to pay for this at all. Therefore, Proponent guarantees to never disturb Respondent ever again.

Needless to say, this position never changes even if so-called ‘State Government’ et al makes up a seeming law related with so-called ‘Local Government’ because any Act or Statute etc. they make up are all null and void since Companies cannot make law.

Last but not least, Respondent does not consent with the Admiralty Law.

Take notice and govern yourself accordingly.

Note: The definition of all words is to be found within common English dictionaries. Respondent believes Proponent does the same with the definition of all words.

Signed this 3rd day of July 2021 at Number, Street name, Suburb, Victoria.

Your Name
(End copy&paste of my Notice)

As you can see, I added to talk about chemtrails and 5G but you can omit it.

Just like the first one, make sure to fix here and there, date etc. to suit your case, and be sure to mark the deadline on your calendar.

A young girl I met when I was handing out my flyer in Melbourne CBD the other day, she asked for a video, saying she cannot bother reading things (even my little flyer!?) so I told her to check the video of Scott Bartle.

But you know, you've got to read cause you've got to write these Notices to the traitors. Hope you (especially her) manage that at least.

Also, check images on this page

to realize that there are more & more FAKE Governments’ agents among us.


Be sure to read this below if you haven’t, in order to understand what is really happening,

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

And train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/spies among us, and share this with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more, share this article with everybody you know, and do it not only on the net but in real life. Have some sign on your car like I do!!

Say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
