They are NOT practicing the Common Law as you imagine…
Yes, I know I’ve got to show you more on that FAKE Parking fine.
But I’d like you to watch this video before they delete it.
Understanding How Admiralty And Common Law Apply To You
I watched it years ago, and many followed what it’s telling.
And their agents like Darryl O’Brien et al encouraged many to go to court to fight.
That is the trap, guys!
I never go to court except only once, I decided to try my friend’s method and I found that I was right.
Court is, just like our so-called ‘governments’, just another Traitorous, Fraudulent, Criminal COMPANY, where they find you ‘guilty’ and make you pay!! So never go there.
Just write a set of “Notice of Demand”, “Notice of Fault” and “Notice of Default” to any court that the criminals tries to drag you to, to prove they are the criminals. And avoid any situation that you have to go to one of these Fraudulent ‘court’.
Anyway, this video is very informative.
Though their deception started a lot long ago.
I will write about that some other time.
And see images of Stefan Lanka on these pages,
and realize, along with so many seeming ‘heroes’ who he is actually working for.
Be sure to read this below if you haven’t, in order to understand what is really happening,
Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!
And train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/spies among us, and share this with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more, share this article with everybody you know, and do it not only on the net but in real life. Have some sign on your car like I do!!
Say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.
And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)