People are only convinced when they experience the power, not the words  人は言葉ではなく実力を体感して初めて納得する





















しかし実は今はもうすでに先進国からもうすでに落ちようとしていますそうゆうというのはですね GDP もすでに中国やそのいわゆる新興国ブラジルロシアインド中国などに追い抜かれるという見込みが既に出ていますそうなってくると主要先進国と言われていた国々がやはり失墜していく会社でも企業でも15年ないし20年30年が会社の寿命と言われるようにトップに立つ者は失墜する運命が待っていますそれは過去にヒトラーの政治しかりナポレオンしかり徳川家康しかり豊臣秀吉しかり全てトップに君臨しようとしたものは失墜していくそういった運命にあるということがあります今もトヨタが精一杯頑張って伝道者ということで先端を走ろうとしていますけれどもこれから電気自動車のテスラが来るそれを追い抜こうとする時価総額も株価の時価総額もそれを追い抜いているという現実があるそういったことをおも踏まえるとやはり事実に基づいた状況判断それが大事ということがいえます




それは C CM や広告などが代表的でありまして CM や広告はその発信するノートにいい情報しか提供しません悪い情報は隠して良い情報ばかりを提供していきますなぜなら CM や広告は人気のあるタレント人気のある俳優さん女優さん綺麗な女優さんなどを使っていかにもそれが正しいいかにもそれを使うと上手くいくそういったようなアピールを私達に洗脳させようとしていますそういったデメリットがあったとしてもそれを小さく見せるそしてメリットを多分に見せるそういった観点から発信するプロですそれを考えると CM や広告に触れるとどうしてもそれに洗脳されるどうしてもその思考に汚染されてしまうということが言えますもちろん全てが悪いということではないですけれども無料で提供されているものにはその無料ほど怖いものはないただほど怖いものがないと言われるように何かその背景にある戦略がありましてその戦略に基づいて我々はその思考を埋め尽くされようとする場合があります






People are only convinced when they experience the power, not the words I saw a video the day before. It was a video of a professional boxer, a former professional boxer, and a delinquent thug fighting, and by fighting, I mean boxing each other. The thug is 50 years old, so he's not going to take any crap from him, ex-pro or not, and the thug is, well, he's over 20, and he looks like a strong fighter. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not a professional boxer and I'm not a professional fighter. But the thug fought a professional boxer, and he went down, and the professional boxer didn't go down, he stayed on his feet until the end. The thug managed to do his best to land a clean hit, but the former champion's punches were too heavy and he succumbed to them. After the game was over, the thug greeted the former boxer with a thank you note. I can say that this is because he experienced the power. I can say this because I was convinced that even though he had a good track record with wordsmiths, everything else depended on it. He was a thug who was 55 at first, but when he actually fought and felt the strength of the champion in the air, he was able to convince himself. In the first place, humans make decisions based on emotions, not on scientific evidence. In one country, they had banned the posting of pictures of war dead on the Internet, but when they lifted the ban, the people felt the cruelty of the war. But when the ban was lifted, the people began to feel the cruelty of the war and the cruelty of the war was felt by the people. It was partly out of respect for the dead that the ban on the Internet and the publication of mug shots was lifted. Up until then, statistical data had been released, such as the number of deaths and the damage caused by the war, but what was perceived with the eyes was more appealing to the emotions than scientific figures. I can say that it appealed to people's emotions and that people who saw it were convinced and understood it. On the other hand, there is a bias that we make decisions based on our emotions, and we are deceived by sight. The reason why we are deceived by sight is because we are often told that looks are 90% of everything, but it has long been said that people are not what they seem, but what they are. And that's where the bias comes in. If a person is wearing a white coat in a hospital, you may assume that he is an authority or a trustworthy person. But in fact, they are not the ones who cure our illnesses, but rather the ones who sell medical equipment, such as equipment suppliers, or those who provide guidance. In addition, there is the bias of assuming that doctors are good people and that doctors are smart people. There are many good doctors and bad doctors, but when you hear the word "doctor," you have the assumption that they have a high income, are authoritative, studied and smart. This is because they have graduated from the University of Tokyo or Kyoto University, or even Oxford or Stanford, and the fact that they have graduated from these universities alone gives them a sense of respect, but it is dangerous to judge whether they are good or bad based on that alone. In addition, if you are wearing a police uniform, you may think that you are a real police officer, or if you are wearing a suit, you may think that you are a solid person, or if you are wearing an expensive watch, you may think that you are a good person, or if you live in a prestigious area in the city center, you may think that you are a respectable person. There are cases where people make judgments based on such one-sided assumptions. In Japan, there was the 300 million yen robbery case, where a criminal dressed as a policeman and riding a motorcycle attacked a cash truck, which was moving to carry 300 million yen out of the bank, when the motorcycle policeman stopped the car and robbed the car of the 300 million yen. There is still an unsolved case that we don't know where the 300 million yen is, but we judged it by the way it looked, and we thought it was the police, and we believed the driver of the transport vehicle, and he got out of the car and left, just like the police officer said, and he was told to run away, so he ran away. I was told there was a bomb in the car and I assumed it. Knowing this, we already know that we need to make decisions based on all the facts, not just our first instinct. FACTFULNESS, the habit of overcoming 10 assumptions and seeing the world correctly based on data I used to think that we Japanese were one of the leading races in the world, at the top level of developed economies. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing and how you're doing it. In the past, Hitler's politics, Napoleon, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and all those who tried to reign at the top were destined to fall. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, please do not hesitate to contact us. I'm sure you'll agree that it's important to make decisions based on facts. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. I can say that. This is why it is important to read this text and judge whether it is true or not based on the facts. It has been said that all information is manipulated. This is because commercials and advertisements use popular celebrities, popular actors and actresses, and beautiful actresses to provide only good information. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I'm sure you've heard that before. In this regard, it is also important to make decisions based on facts, to take an objective point of view, to take into account the opinions of others, and to try to improve yourself from critical and negative opinions. In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find it in the marketplace. It's important to look for answers and facts with people who think differently than you do and who disagree with you, if possible. If you're not sure what you're looking for, you can always try to find a way to get it. It can be said that the ability to perceive facts with a higher degree of accuracy can be developed by making judgments based on negative and opposing opinions. That's all.
