I created this Music play to revive Japanese old kid’s songs which have played barely and to give my answer for the question “What are Japanese?” like sensitivity, awe for nature and strong heart that Japanese have.
This is the first movie art which we prepared and shoot in just one day, in the middle of serious influence of Covid19.
The showiness may be not enough because we had no lightning production due to save numbers of staffs. Despite of it, we could express one piece of what we wanted to do.
I wish for more people who will be interested in Japanese old music at home and abroad. With this wish, I release the show here.
I’d be happy if you were enjoy it.
脚本 茂木 理
Scriptor Aya Mogi
In the early of Meiji period, Chidori had earned her and her father's living for selling medicines. After her father’s dead, she was taken in by her father’s elder sister and moved to a small fishing village in Tohoku district.
In a spring morning, she encountered a stranger kid named “Hotaru*” while baby-sitting children of the village by a river.
Hotaru was not actually a simple kid but a specter. Having lived for 100 years made an insect become a specter and it had been disguised itself as a human kid. (*Hotaru means firefly in English.)
While Chidori now can't tell her honest feelings to others after his father's dead. Because he had a best understanding of her.
Hotaru cheered her up kindly and then, they become best friends. But...
【 出演 / Cast 】
ちどり Chidori:中村初惠 Hatue Nakamura
ほたる Hotaru:茂木理 Aya Mogi
語り部 Storyteller:林佳世子 Kayoko Hayashi
ピアノ Pianoforte:鳥居礼子 Reiko Torii
【 スタッフ / Staff 】
脚本 Scriptor:茂木理 Aya Mogi
撮影 Camera operator:宍戸大裕 Daisuke Shishido
編集 Film Editor:宍戸大裕 Daisuke Shishido
音声 Sound recording:相川麻衣 Mai Aikawa
英語翻訳(字幕)Translator(Quotes):大滝正明 Masaaki Ootaki
英語翻訳(WEB)Translator(WEB):村富梨絵 Rie Muratomi
イラスト Illustrator:森崎まお Mao Morisaki
企画制作 Project: Aya Arts Company
(公財)川崎市国際交流協会 Kawasaki International Association 様より