今回は、English Diary05の復習をしていきます。
Ex1: There are 8 types of law that I study.
・type=種類=kind of
Ex2: They are Constitutional law, Civil law, Criminal law, Corporate law, Civil Procedure law, Administrative law, and Economic law.
・Constitutional law=憲法 ・Civil law=民法 ・Criminal law=刑法
・Corporate law=会社法 ・Civil Procedure law=民事訴訟法
・Administrative law=刑事訴訟法 ・Economic law=経済法
Ex3: law= a rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in which a society behaves
・law=法律 ・government=政府 ・order=整える
Ex4: Today's topic is Criminal law.
*criminal= relating to crime
*relate= to find or show connection between two or more things
・criminal=犯罪の、刑事上の ・relate to=関係づける
・crime=犯罪 ・connection=関係
Ex5: The Criminal law defines the types of offenses and penalties.
*define= to explain and describe the meaning and exact limits of something.
*offense= an illegal act, a crime
・offense=違反、犯罪 ・penalty=刑罰、罰金
・explain=説明する ・describe=記述する
・exact=厳格な、的確な ・ illegal=違反の
Ex6: For example, theft, murder, fraud and so on.
It's difficult, so I'll write the details of the crime someday.
・theft=窃盗罪 ・murder=殺人罪 ・fraud=詐欺罪