Every year I go to see specialists in summer after marriage.
I just because I like to stay with my partner forever since my young brother past away at his young age. I don't want to make anyone sad or cry. In order to do so, I have to be healthy, happy and live long life.
So, I go to see such doctors and so far so good. Until year 2019.
This year I found out my left eye developed glaucoma, which is not a curable disease. Vision nerves become narrower and will affect the eye sight/vision, and eventually lose sight.
One day I drove a car at night and found uncomfortable my eyes. It was difficult to see a number plate of my front car.
The other day, using PC, it was difficult to read lines on MS Word documents. I tried to close my left eye, there were some clouds around the visible area. And I was not able to read such cloudy parts. So I thought my contact lens became cloudy since it's been more than 4 years. So I decided to go to see a doctor and buy new one. He prescribed me medication for dry eye.
After a month, I still feel uncomfortable and thought that my eyes became aging. Yeah, it is aging.
I often feel difficult to read lines of words.
It was a day of medical checkups every year. If I could finish early, I would like to see my eye doctor (oculist/ophthalmologist), so I did.
First of all, I explained a nurse about my symptoms: blind spots when I read books/documents, I might have aged eyes or my contact lens are not working well.
She kindly gave me many tests before doctor's diagnosis. And he was almost screaming when I heard my name called, are you suffering from glaucoma?! Did you find it by yourself?! Let's take further eye examinations. I said yes, please.
I did perimetry, tonometry, observance of the pupil, vision tests, and so on.
Yesterday, I tried the first medication. Once a day, at night, apply eyedrops once.
I felt comfortable next day when I driving a car. The medication may work well!
I decided to keep a diary on glaucoma because there are both young and elderly people suffering from it. Furthermore this kind of disease is not curable. We have to live with it. To avoid losing eyesight, appropriate medication is necessary. I like to write such a dairy and let's live with it together!