
Color Idioms

Hello, world! A little late, but happy new year. I hope this year will be so much better than last year for everyone.
So, how is 2021 treating you so far? I've been at home, most of the time, working remotely on various projects. I hope all is well with you, too.

Here I have listed some color idioms that you can use in daily life! After you look them through, it may be best if you try them out in online English lessons. They'd be a golden opportunity to practice using your new vocabulary :)

blacklisted: ブラックリストに載る
I heard John has been blacklisted from that bar for being too out of hand.

yellow-bellied: 臆病な、腰抜けの
He's a yellow-bellied guy, so I bet he wouldn't want go see The Grudge(呪怨) with you.

pink slip: 解雇通知
Pink slips went out to more than 6,000 workers after the coronavirus outbreak.

white elephant: 持て余しもの、無用の産物
A motor car would be a white elephant to him, because he can’t drive.

black sheep: 厄介者、変わり者
It is commonly said that there are black sheep in every family.

talk a blue streak: 早口で永遠と話す、しゃべりまくる
The teacher started talking a blue streak, and it became difficult to follow along with him.

black and blue: あざだらけ
Mike's face was black and blue after the boxing match.

black out: 失神する
Mary banged her head on the table and blacked out.

once in a blue moon: めったに〜ない、ごくまれに
I don't know why my father bought a takoyaki pan - he uses it once in a blue moon.

put sth down in black and white: 書面にする
Make sure you have them put the deal in black and white before you agree to anything.

golden opportunity: 絶好の機会
High school is a golden opportunity for many to brush up their English.

red tape: お役所仕事
You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.

silver screen: 映画(産業)
Lucy finally made her debut on the silver screen.

off-color: 下品な、きわどい
This comedy is rated PG-13 for language and off-color humor.

local color: 地方色
The summer festival added much local color to the small town.

blue blood: 貴族の血統
Don't spend your money like blue blood, but instead save it for the future.

to be colorless: つまらない
He was a nice guy, but rather colorless. I'm going to continue looking for other guys on the app.

show one's true colors: 本性を表す、本音を言う
He seemed nice at first, but he showed his true colors during the debate.

chase rainbows: 叶わない夢を追う
Stop chasing rainbows, and come home to help your father's business.

A golden handshake: 高額の退職金、功労金
The directors will each get a golden handshake and a pension.

Catch sb red-handed: 現行犯逮捕する
He was shoplifting at a nearby store when the police drove by and caught him red-handed.

Red-carpet treatment: 丁寧な扱い、贅沢なもてなし
My grandparents always give me the red-carpet treatment when I go visit them.

Whitewash sth: 過失や欠点を隠して、体裁をつくろう
The government is trying to whitewash the incompetence of the Treasury Officials.

blue collar: 肉体労働者の
white collar: オフィス・ビジネスシーンで働く者の
The TV series 'SUITS' mostly talks about white collar crimes, whereas a good number of the crimes seen in 'Criminal Minds' is blue collar.

Red-letter day: 記念すべき日、思い出の日
The day I first set foot in America was a red-letter day for me.

To see red: 激怒する
Her father saw red when he found out that his daughter had been sleeping over at a random guy's house.


Thank you for reading; I'd appreciate the support--please help me share my experiences for the greater good :)