This past week, I have been doing a couple of Instagram Live sessions about the TOEIC SPEAKING test. For those of you who watched my live sessions, thank you :) For those who missed out (or those who want to review), here I have provided a little recap of my sessions. I hope this information will help you out in some way.
Today, I will be sharing some tips for Part 3- Respond to Questions.
Here are the points I covered in my Instagram Live Session:
★About Part 3【テスト内容】ー 1 set of 3 questions; preparation time for each: 3 seconds, speaking time: for the first 2 questions, 15 seconds; for the 3rd question, 30 seconds.
The test-taker is provided with 3 questions that relate to a single topic, and he/she is to answer the questions given. This section is graded on grammar, word choice, and consistency, as well as pronunciation, intonation, and accent. The validity (relevance) and completeness of the answers are also evaluated.
Sample Question (taken from the official ETS Website):
Imagine that a friend will be moving to your neighborhood. You are having a telephone conversation about where you live.
Question 1: How many grocery stores are in your neighborhood, and can you walk to them?
Question 2: What’s the best time of day to go to the grocery store, and why?
Question 3: Do you usually buy all your groceries from the same store? Why or why not?
★How to get a full score【攻略のポイント】-
1. 質問文をリサイクルする。全ての設問は音声と同時に画面に表示されるので、各設問に答える際は【人称を"you"から"I"に変えて】そのまま質問文を再利用することで省エネできる。
【例1】Q: How many grocery stores are in your neighborhood, and can "you" walk to them?
A: Two grocery stores are in my neighborhood, and "I" can walk to (both of) them.
【例2】Q: What is the best time of day to go to the grocery store, and why?
A: Around 6 p.m. is the best time of day to go to the grocery store, because there are discounts on ready-made dishes.
★質問文をリサイクルすることにより単語で答えることを避けられる =加点につながる
【例】Do people in your neighborhood carpool?
Carpool【相乗り】という言葉がわからなくてもYES/NO Questionなので、そのまま質問文を再利用し【Yes, people in my neighborhood carpool./ No, people in my neighborhood don't carpool.】と答えれば満点がとれる。
2. 質問に的確に答える。当たり前のように聞こえるが、Doで聞かれたらDoで答える、Canで聞かれたらCanで返す、Why?と聞かれたらBecauseで答える。話をそらさない。また、曖昧な答え方はしない。
【例】Q: What's the best time of day to go to the grocery store, and why?
×【曖昧な答え方】A: I'm not quite sure because I don't go there that often.
×【話をそらす】A: Around 6 p.m is the best time to go. I usually get off work around that time so I always go then. (タイムアップでWhy~に答えられていない)
3. 上記2点に加え、Q3には自分の経験談や仮定の話をいれる。オリジナリティは加点になる。「以前~だった時、私は…」「もし~だったら…」で30秒話しきるのがベスト。
【例】Q: Do "you" usually buy all "your" groceries from the same store? Why or why not?
A: "I" usually don't buy all "my" groceries from the same store. This is because the stores have sales on different dates. Last week, I saw that dairy products were on sale at the grocery store nearby the station, so I bought milk and cheese there. Yesterday, when I walked by the other grocery store closer to my house, I saw sandwiches on sale, so I bought some home. I usually buy groceries from wherever that is cheapest.
A: "I" usually buy all "my" groceries from the same store. This is because the grocery store that is closest to my house has just about everything, from food to kitchenware. It is also open 24 hours, so it is very convenient for me. Last week, when I was busy with work, I went to that same grocery store every night to get something for dinner. I don't have the need to go anywhere else because I can find anything anytime at my local grocery store.
That's it for Part 3! In my next Instagram Live session, I will be moving on to Part 4- Respond to questions using information provided. Although I will be posting the major points of each speaking section, it would probably be best if you tune in to my further live sessions; I hope to be able to answer any questions you may have on demand :)
“Every beginner possesses a great potential to be an expert in his or her chosen field.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I hope this was somewhat of an interest to you! Please feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below.
And as always, your support will be very much appreciated :)