This past week, I have been doing a couple of Instagram Live sessions about the TOEIC SPEAKING test. For those of you who watched my live sessions, thank you :) For those who missed out (or those who want to review), here I have provided a little recap of my sessions. I hope this information will help you out in some way.
完全に自己満ですが(笑)TOEIC SPEAKING TESTについてのインスタライブをはじめました。
ちなみに、私は結構TOEIC SPEAKING TESTが好きで、趣味感覚で何回も受験しています。20分でさくっと終わるし(Writing Testと合わせても他の英語系試験に比べたら断然早く終わります)、定期的に自分の英語力を確認するのにとても有効なテストだと考えています。それなのに、思ったほど世に浸透していない…と思い(別に宣伝とか頼まれていないんですが(笑))、最近勝手に普及活動を始めました。
My first video was an introduction to the test, explaining a little about how it is usually conducted and what each part consists of. In my second video, I went on to explain Part 1- Read a text aloud, covering a few points of interest. Below is the sample question I used (though during the live, I didn't have the textbook with me, so I spoke by heart; I apologize if some words had been missing):
Welcome aboard the Western Express Train bound for Samville. Food and beverage vending machines are located in cars 4, 6, and 8. Please make sure that your baggage is placed in the overhead compartments, and have your ticket ready for inspection. Once again, thank you for traveling on the Western Express. - Cited from CD-ROM付 はじめてのTOEICテスト スピーキング/ライティング完全攻略, Ayako Yokokawa (2014).
Here are the points I covered in my Instagram Live Session:
★About Part 1【テスト内容】ー 2 questions; for each question, preparation time: 45 seconds, speaking time: 45 seconds.
A short passage is given, and the test-taker must read each passage aloud. This section is graded on pronunciation, intonation, and accent.
★How to get a full score【攻略のポイント】-
1. 文のまとまりを意識し、適切な位置で区切る(ピリオドやカンマの場所だけでなく、例えば、長めの主語の前後、前置詞の前後、従属節の前など)。実際に練習問題を行う場合は、事前にスラッシュ【/】を入れて区切って読んでみるのも◎。
Welcome aboard / the Western Express Train / bound for Samville. Food and beverage vending machines / are located in cars 4 / 6 / and 8. / Please make sure / that your baggage is placed / in the overhead compartments / and have your ticket ready / for inspection. / Once again / thank you for traveling / on the Western Express. (区切らずに読める場合は【/】を少し減らしてもOK)
2. 内容語と機能語を分け、抑揚をつける。本当に伝えたい情報は何なのかを正しく判断し、そこを強調して読む。
Welcome aboard the Western Express Train bound for Samville. (太字を強調し、強弱をつける)
3. 英語特有の音に気を付ける。
【Yes/No questions】文末をあげる Do you want anything↗?
【それ以外】文末をあげない、または落とす What time is it↘?
【a and b の場合】a↗and b↘
【a, b, and cの場合】a↗, b↗, and c↘
・同じ綴りだが、品詞によってアクセントが違う語 record, increase, produce など
・アクセントを置く位置によって意味が異なる語 close, tear, wind, lead など
・英語特有の母音(/ ə // ɒ // θ / など)や子音(l/r,b/v,e/yなど)
light / right ; best / vest ; ear / year の区別をつける。
上記の例題だと、beverage vending machines でBとVの区別をしっかりつけることが大事です。
4. とにかくなりきる!車掌さんやラジオDJになりきって話す!
That's it for Part 1! In my next Instagram Live session, I will be moving on to Part 2- Describe a picture. For that lesson, I will be using the photo below (this is actually a picture of my family from our NYC trip in the winter of 2019):
Although I will be posting the major points of each speaking section from now on, it would probably be best if you tune in to my further live sessions; I hope to be able to answer any questions you may have on demand :)
“It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world.” - Santosh Kalwar
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I hope this was somewhat of an interest to you! Please feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below.
And as always, your support will be very much appreciated :)