These past few weeks, I have been doing a couple of Instagram Live sessions about the TOEIC SPEAKING test. For those of you who watched my live sessions, thank you :) For those who missed out (or those who want to review), here I have provided a little recap of my sessions. I hope this information will help you out in some way.
Today, I will be sharing some tips for Part 4- Respond to Questions Using Information provided.
Here are the points I covered in my Instagram Live Session:
★About Part 4【テスト内容】ー 1 set of 3 questions; preparation time: 45 seconds, speaking time: for the first 2 questions, 15 seconds; for the 3rd question, 30 seconds.
The test-taker is provided with a piece of information, and he/she is to answer the questions given regarding the details of the source. This section is graded on grammar, word choice, and consistency, as well as pronunciation, intonation, and accent. The validity (relevance) and completeness of the answers are also evaluated.
Sample Question (「つくってあそぼ」のわくわくさんの精神を見習って自作しました笑):
Hi, this is Caroline Matthews, and I'm calling about my business trip to Chicago. I misplaced my itinerary somewhere, so I need you to fill me in.
Question 1: What time is the flight to Chicago, and which flight will I be taking?
Question 2: I understand that I have a lunch meeting with ABC Co. on May 13th. Is that correct?
Question 3: Please tell me what I have scheduled on May 12th, after I arrive in Chicago.
★How to get a full score【攻略のポイント】-
1. 【準備時間中】資料の確認の仕方
Step 1:資料のタイトルを見て、ざっくり何の資料なのかを把握する。頻出するものとしては、旅程表、ツアー内容、セミナーの案内、ホテルの朝食の案内、など。
・サンプル問題では、"Business Trip Itinerary"とあるので、出張の旅程表であるということがわかる。
Step 2:情報を位置で覚える。「資料のこの辺りに、〇〇の情報があったな…」と位置をある程度記憶することで、設問が流れ始めた際に、すばやく適切な情報に目をうつすことができる。
・サンプル問題では、"Date," "Depart from,"などとサブタイトルがあるのでわかりやすい。例えば"Where are you headed?"などの質問があった際に、すぐに"Destination"の欄に目をうつせるようにする。
Step 3:斜線、太線、脚注、備考に特記されている情報がある場合は、必ず読んで把握しておく。Q2で聞かれる確率99.9%。
2. Q1は全体の内容の一部、Q2は訂正・確認、Q3は内容の要約問題
【Q1の形式例】What time is the flight to Chicago, and which flight will I be taking?
【解答例】The flight to Chicago is at 12:30 p.m., and you will be taking American Airlines Flight 302.
★"Could you tell me what time...?"のような間接疑問文に注意する。
【Q2の形式例】I understand that I have a lunch meeting with ABC Co. on May 13th. Is that correct?
【解答例】No. Actually, the lunch meeting (with ABC Co.) has been canceled.
★まずは"Yes, that is correct." / "No. Actually..." などと明言する。
【Q3の形式例】Please tell me what I have scheduled on May 12th, after I arrive in Chicago.
【解答例】Sure. First, at 5:00 p.m., you will check out the newly opened store in Chicago. Then, at 7 p.m., you will have a dinner meeting with Mr. Ryans. Finally, you will be staying at the Sofitel Hotel.
3. 【全体を通して】のポイント
→"I'm sorry, I misunderstood your question. Actually..."
→"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Actually..."
・時間稼ぎのために、"let me see...," "let me check...," "according to the information I have..."などのfillersを積極的に使う。沈黙は避ける。
【temperature】℃=degrees Celsius, ℉=degrees Fahrenheit
【measurement】km=kilometres, ft=foot/feet, lbs.=pounds, oz.=ounces
【fee/money】$=dollar, ¢=cent, ¥=yen, €=euro, £=pound
【税込み】"It's five dollars with tax." "Tax is included."
【税抜き】"It's five dollars without tax." "Tax is excluded."
【~あたり=per】five dollars per person, six miles per hour, twenty minutes per group, etc.
That's it for Part 4! In my next Instagram Live session, I will be moving on to Part 5―Propose a solution. Although I will be posting the major points of each speaking section, it would probably be best if you tune in to my further live sessions; I hope to be able to answer any questions you may have on demand :)
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." -Ernst. F. Schumacher
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I hope this was somewhat of an interest to you! Please feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below.
And as always, your support will be very much appreciated :)