English follows.
9月にバレエ学校が始まって、2週間後くらいから、くるみ割り人形の振付の練習が始まりました。通常のレッスンの後に、週2回1時間半くらいやりますので、終わるのが18時~18時半分くらいになります。遠距離通学の我が家は帰宅が20時過ぎます。朝6時起きが必要で、かつLong sleeperのかれんは普段20時には寝るようにしているのですが、練習がある日はどうしても寝るのが21時過ぎてしまい、翌日起きるのが辛くなります。バレエのレッスンが大好きなかれんでも、6時にアラームが鳴ると眠くて大変機嫌が悪く、「まだ寝たい」「学校が遠すぎる」「車で送迎しろ」「アムステルダムに引っ越したい」と泣き叫ぶことが多々あります。何とかなだめすかして起こして朝食を食べさせてでかけますが、正直私だって朝眠いのに朝ごはんとお弁当とおやつを準備して自転車で一緒に駅まで行くのが辛いんだよ~!と叫びたくなります(笑)。
くるみ割り人形の公演は、プレミア前日の公開リハーサルを含めると全部で20回あります。バレエ学校の1-2年生は2つのチームに分かれ、全20回の公演に交互に各10回出演します。そしてバレエ団のダンサーさんたちとの練習やリハーサルが8回あります。つまり、11月末から千秋楽の1月頭にかけて、18回オペラハウスへ通うことになります。平日はバレエ学校からオペラハウスへみんなで移動し、帰りは親がオペラハウスへ迎えに行きます。週末は親がオペラハウスへ送迎します。バレエ学校とオペラハウスは、メトロで4駅の距離ですが、helping parentsのボランティアが子どもたちに付き添います。これの何が大変かと言うと、公演の時間が夜遅いってことなんです。なんと20:15開演、22:35終演!なのです。多くのリハも同じ時間に行います。日本だとバレエの公演、開演が18時くらいが多いですよね。。。日本で終演するくらいの時間からスタートするのです。着替えて出てくるのは23時近いです。それから帰宅するので、家に着くのは午前0時になります。これが全部で10回くらいあるのです。翌日の学校は、終演から12時間以上空けると言うルールがあるらしく、午後12時半からスタートです。とは言え、かれんにとっては睡眠時間が足りません。
It is completely winter weather in the Netherlands. It is dark and cold in the mornings and evenings, but when I see the lights in the city, I feel excited that Christmas will soon be here! Speaking of Christmas, the Nutcracker is one of my favorites. When I was in Japan, my family used to go to see the Nutcracker ballet every year. Usually, only Karen and I would go to see the ballet, but for the Nutcracker, Kaito and my husband would go with us. This is the first Christmas in the Netherlands for us, and this year's Nutcracker was different from usual. The ballet academy that Karen attends is affiliated with a ballet company, so every year she has the chance to perform in the ballet company's performances, and this year the Nutcracker will be performed, and all the first and second year students of the ballet academy will perform. The main child roles, Clara and Fritz, are selected from the third grade, with three of the best children each. The Nutcracker has by far the largest number of children than any other ballet performance, and they play a very important role. The last time the Dutch National Ballet performed the Nutcracker was in 2021, and it seems that they only perform it roughly once every three years. Karen is lucky to be able to perform as a first-year student! I never thought that her dream of dancing on the stage of the opera house someday would come true so early in Amsterdam. However, the preparation to perform on this stage was quite hard. I wrote about the ballet academy life from September when I entered the ballet school in this article...
In addition to the regular lessons I wrote about here, I would like to write this time about what kind of preparation they do before the performance.
About two weeks after the ballet academy started in September, we started practicing the choreography for the Nutcracker. They do it for about an hour and a half twice a week after the regular lessons, so they finish around 6:00 to 6:30 pm. Karen commutes a long distance to school, so we get home after 8pm. She has to get up at 6:00 a.m. and is a long sleeper, so she usually try to go to bed at 8:00 p.m., but on days when she has practice, she can't help but go to bed after 9:00 p.m., which makes it hard to get up the next day. Even Karen, who loves ballet lessons, is sleepy and very cranky when the alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. She often cries out, "I still want to sleep," "The school is too far," "You should drive me to and from school," and "I want to move to Amsterdam". I try to calm her down and wake her up so she can eat breakfast and go out, but to be honest, it's hard for me to prepare breakfast, lunch box and snacks and ride my bicycle to the station with her when I am also sleepy in the morning!
But according to her, practising with professional dancers is the most fun! The soloists dance puppet dances in front of you, and you are carried by a mouse into a prison cell! She says that the King of the mice gives you high fives and sugarplumfairy waves to you! That's a lot of fun! Since she started practising at the opera house, she doesn't shout as much in the mornings (laughs).
There are a total of 20 performances of The Nutcracker, including the open rehearsal one day before the premiere. The first and second year ballet academy students are divided into two teams and will perform 10 times each, alternating between the two teams, for a total of 20 performances. Before the performances, there are 8 rehearsals with the professional ballet dancers at the Opera House. In other words, from the end of November to the beginning of January, when the final performance is scheduled, they will go to the opera house 18 times. On weekdays, everyone travels from the ballet academy to the opera house, and parents pick them up at the opera house. On weekends, parents will take their children to and from the opera house. The ballet academy and the opera house are only 4 stops away by metro, but volunteering parents will accompany the children. What is difficult about this is that the performances are late in the evening. The show starts at 8:15pm and ends at 10:35pm! Many rehearsals are also held at the same time. In Japan, ballet performances usually start around 6 pm. We start at about the same time as the end of the performance in Japan. It is almost 23:00 when the kids come out after changing the clothes. Then we go home, so we arrive home at midnight. This happens about 10 times in total. The next day, school starts at 12:30 p.m., as there seems to be a rule that students must rest at least 12 hours after the end of the performance. However, for Karen, there is not enough time to sleep, and the next morning is very difficult.
The Nutcracker by the Dutch National Ballet, which plays the role of a child, is the same Eagling version as the National Ballet in Japan. Here is an interview (only in Japanese) with Mr. Eagling who choreographed it. It seems that he choreographed it for the National Ballet in Japan after he choreographed it for the Dutch National Ballet. I saw the nutcracker by the National Ballet in Japan and thought the canal skating scene at the beginning was very Dutch!
Only in Japanese https://www.nntt.jac.go.jp/ballet-dance/news/detail/77_026766.html
As mentioned in the interview, the children have the roles of girls and boys at the party, and the children who played the girls at the party later play the mice, and the children who played the boys play the toy soldiers in the fight scene. Although Karen was eager to play the role of a girl, she was assigned to a boy. Since there are only two boys out of 21 in Karen's class, many girls actually play the roles of boys. The girls have cuter costumes, cuter makeup, more scenes dancing in front of the audience, and so on! I think that boys & toy soldiers are not so bad, because you can transform with wigs (lol) and mices faces are not seen with masks, so they can't tell who is who.
Now, as I write this, it is the first day of the performance! Karen and the team are about to have their first show. I am on volunteer duty today and will be taking the children to the opera house and staying at the backstage. The children don't look nervous at all, but I am getting nervous (lol)!