
 前回の韓国総選挙で野党の民主党は過半数以上を達成し勝利を収めた。 与党の失政を審判しようとする国民の意思が反映された結果だった。 その過程でチョ·グク革新党が地方区候補は出さずに比例代表を通じて国政に参加できるようになった。
多くの国民が地方区は民主党、比例はチョ·グク革新党を通じて与党を牽制した。 当然、チョ·グク革新党は総選挙以後にも民主党と協同しながら与党の失政を防ぎ、巨大野党ができないことのために戦っていくことを期待した。
ところが、今回の地域の栄光、谷城(コクソン)の2つの小さな都市の補欠選挙に候補を出し、民主党をけん制しながら内紛を起こしている。 健全な競争だと主張しているが、現在保守メディアは機会をつかんだかのように両党を非難している。
祖国革新党の本分は民主党の牽制ではない。 国民は、巨大野党ができない瞬発力とアイデアを発揮することを望んだ。 ところが、戦わなければならない国会は投げ捨て、現在までどのような活動をしたのか疑わしい。 特に、チョ·グク代表は何をしたのか残念だ。
チョ·グク代表は民主党のイ·ジェミョン代表の25万ウォン全国民支援金に対して反対の立場を明らかにした。 資金を供給することでインフレが高まり、対象と階層集団をさらに議論すべきだと主張していた。
ところが、今回の補欠選挙で幸福支援金を公約に掲げている。 それも民主党より多くの金額を約束している。 民主党のイ·ジェミョン代表は城南市長から京畿道知事、そして現在まで着実に基本所得を主張してきた。 そして城南では青年基本所得、そして京畿道では京畿道民災難支援金として京畿道民全員に支援金を支給した。 ソウル市もしていない政策を、李在明(イ·ジェミョン)代表は前後違いなく行動してきている。
災難支援金、基本所得を支給すればポピュリズムだ、インフレーションを起こし南米国家のようになると主張する保守言論の主張をそのまま踏襲したようなチョ·グク代表は、今回の補欠選挙ではなぜもっと大金を使おうとするのか問いたい。 ソウル市もしなかった、災難支援金を支給した京畿道の財政は全く問題なく、青年基本所得を一番先に支給した城南市の財政もしっかりしており、市民の満足度が最高だった。
In the recent South Korean general election, the opposition Democratic Party achieved a majority and claimed victory, reflecting the people's desire to hold the ruling party accountable for its failures. During this process, the Cho Kuk Innovation Party participated in the election through proportional representation without fielding regional candidates, allowing them to take part in national governance.
Many citizens voted for Democratic Party candidates in regional districts and for the National Innovation Party in proportional representation, expecting the latter to keep the ruling party in check. Naturally, people hoped that even after the election, the Cho Kuk Innovation Party would cooperate with the Democratic Party to prevent the ruling party's mistakes and fight for issues that the major opposition party could not address.
However, by fielding candidates in the by-elections for two small cities, Yeonggwang and Gokseong, they are creating internal strife and obstructing the Democratic Party rather than acting as a check. While they claim it's healthy competition, conservative media have seized the opportunity to criticize both parties.
The Cho Kuk Innovation Party’s primary role is not to check the Democratic Party. The public expected them to show agility and creativity in tackling issues that a major opposition party could not. But instead of focusing on the National Assembly where they should be fighting, it’s doubtful what actions they’ve taken so far. Especially disappointing is the question of what their leader, Cho Kuk, has accomplished.
In particular, Cho Kuk opposed Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung's plan for a nationwide payment of 250,000 won, arguing that such cash distributions would exacerbate inflation and that more discussion was needed on the target groups and social classes. Yet, in the upcoming by-election, Cho’s party has promised a "Happiness Support Fund" with a larger amount than what the Democratic Party is proposing.
Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung has consistently advocated for basic income since his time as mayor of Seongnam, continuing through his tenure as governor of Gyeonggi Province. In Seongnam, he introduced a youth basic income, and as governor, he provided disaster relief funds to all Gyeonggi residents, a policy even Seoul did not implement. Lee’s actions have been consistent, from advocating basic income to providing disaster relief.
Cho Kuk, who previously echoed conservative media's claims that basic income and disaster relief funds were populism and would cause inflation like in Latin American countries, is now offering even more money in this by-election. The finances of Gyeonggi Province, which provided disaster relief, remain stable, and Seongnam, the first to offer youth basic income, has sound financial health, with the highest satisfaction among its citizens.
The Cho Kuk Innovation Party's decision to oppose the Democratic Party, when they should be uniting to gain power, casts them in a negative light. It's disappointing.
I sincerely urge Cho Kuk to carefully reconsider what the National Innovation Party should prioritize and where it should be headed.(Q's hope)
