韓国語講座の基礎 - 漢字のルール(Basic Korean Language Course – Chinese Character Rules)

福岡、福祉、復習、復習、復讐、服装、服従、伏兵、伏線、覆面 など ‘フク‘に発音。 韓国語では「복(ボク)」と発音される。 各単語を韓国語で発音して見ると福祉‐ボクジ(pok-ji), 復習‐ボクスプ(pok-ssup), 復讐‐ボクシュ(pok-su), 服装‐ボクジャン(pok-jang), 服従‐ボクジョン(pok-jong), 伏兵‐ボクビョン(pok-byeong), 伏線‐ボクせん(pok-sun), 覆面‐ボクメン(pok-myeon)
面白くないかな? よく見ると韓国語と日本語の発音が似ている。 そして、このような現象は漢字を使う中国語、ベトナム語でもよく見られる。
面積‐メンジョク(men-juck), 面接‐メンチャプ(men-jeob), 面談‐メンダン(men-dam), 免責‐メンチェク(men-chek), 免許‐メンホ(men-her), 免税‐メンセ(men-se), 綿棒‐メンボン(men-bong)、 麵屋‐メンオク(men-awk)
漢字はほとんど規則があって習いやすいのが確かである。外国語の勉強は異文化の習得だけではなく考え方の多様化、ボケの予防として頭の回転にも大きく役に立つ。ドラマが好きな人々も実際の音声で聞くともっと面白く楽しむことができる。外国語の中でも韓国語は日本人には習いやすいし、一番近い国として旅行の便利性もある。そしてK-DRAMA, K-FOOD, K-POP, K-BEAUTYも楽しむことができる。韓国語を人生の同伴者として習ってみるのを強く推薦する。(Qの希望)

Last time, I explained that even without memorizing Chinese characters (漢字), it is possible to apply them. As an example, the lecturer mentioned the readings of 上司 (jousi), 常識 (jousiki), 状況 (joukyou), 状態 (joutai), all pronounced as 'ジョウ' (jou) in Japanese, which can be pronounced as '상' (san) in Korean. Today, I would like to introduce such rules.
Words pronounced as 'フク' (fuku) in Japanese, are pronounced as '복' (bok) in Korean. For example, 福岡 (Fukuoka) is pronounced as '복오카' (bok-oka) in Korean. Other examples include 福祉 (fukusi), 復習 (fukushu), 復讐 (fukushu), 服装 (fukusou), 服従 (fukuzyu), 伏兵 (fukuhei), 伏線 (fukusen), 覆面 (fukumen), all pronounced as 'フク' (fuku) in Japanese and '복' (bok) in Korean. It's interesting to note that the pronunciation is quite similar between Korean and Japanese, and this phenomenon is also observed in Chinese and Vietnamese, which use Chinese characters.
Taking the example of 面 (men) and 線 (sen), you can see that the pronunciation is very similar. For instance, 仮面 (kamen) is pronounced as '가면' (ka-myeon) in Korean, and '라면' (ra-myeon) for ラーメン(ramen) . Words like 面積 (menseki), 面接 (mensetu), 面談 (mendan), 免責 (menseki), 免許 (menkyo), 免税 (menzei), 綿棒 (menbou), and 麺屋 (menya) are pronounced as 'メン' (men) in Japanese and '면' (myeon) in Korean. Although there are subtle pronunciation differences (men and myon), if pronounced confidently, they can be easily understood.
As for the word 麵屋 (menya,noodle shop), it is not a common word when conversing in Korean. However, some famous cold noodle restaurants in Korea still use the name '00麵屋' (00-myeon-awk). This might be a remnant from the Japanese colonial era.
Looking at the above examples, you can see that the pronunciation is similar. The subtleties in Japanese, where '微妙' (bimyo) can also be pronounced as 'ミミョウ' (mimyo), are mirrored in Korean, where it is pronounced as '미묘' (mimyo).
Chinese characters mostly follow rules, making them easy to learn. Learning a foreign language not only helps in acquiring a different culture but also contributes to diversifying one's thinking and preventing cognitive decline. People who enjoy dramas can find them even more interesting when listening to the actual dialogue. Among foreign languages, Korean is relatively easy for Japanese speakers to learn, considering the cultural proximity and convenient travel options. I strongly recommend learning Korean, which can be a lifelong companion, allowing you to enjoy K-DRAMA, K-FOOD, K-POP, and K-BEAUTY.(Q's hope)
