韓国の20代の若者の保守性向から見た日本政治(Japanese politics through the conservative tendencies of young Koreans in their 20s)

支持率が30%台にとどまっていた韓国尹錫悦大統領の支持率が最近40%を突破した。 特に目立つ現象は、20代男性の支持が増えたということだ。
過去、韓国の20代は男性、女性の区別なく保守政権よりは進歩政党の支持が圧倒的だった。 しかし、だんだん20代男性と女性の対決構図が発生し、20代男性の保守政党支持が現れた。 この事実は、韓国社会の現状を通して日本の政治に反映することができる意味ある解釈になり得る。
韓国は就職が難しく、不動産価格は急騰した。 当然、20代は困難を吐露している。 厳しい現実で進歩政党は男女平等という価値を強調しながら女性の就職やフェミニズム社会団体に多くの予算を割り当てた。
現実が厳しい20代の男性たちは、女性に対する被害意識が大きくなった。 特に女性団体は勢力化を成し遂げ声を高め、男性との意見対立や極限相互誹謗が行われた。
ちょうど保守政党は就職のために大企業減税政策と女性家族部廃止などで20代男性の支持を引き出した。 尹錫悦 大統領の当選の絶対的支持者は、60代以降、高齢者層とともに20代男性の役割が大きかった。 以前から老人層は保守政党を支持してきたが、20代男性の支持は僅差の接戦で大きく寄与した。
日本の老年層は相対的に進歩側の性向が強い。 戦争を経験した世代として、現自民党のルーツは戦争勢力とつながっているという認識だろう。 まるで韓国で現在の保守政権が過去の軍事政権とつながっているようにだ。 しかし、両国の支持性向は正反対でアイロニーだ。 日本は敗戦という最悪の状況を経験し、戦争が二度とあってはならないという強い信念が残っているためか、老年層の進歩性向が目立つ。 一方、韓国の老年層はまだ北朝鮮が存在し、戦争を起こした存在に対する敵対的感情が残り、平和的対話よりは強力な軍事的抑止力を望む。 そのため、北朝鮮との対話に対して共産主義という非難とともに進歩側を攻撃する。
日本の20代投票率はどの世代よりも最低だ。 低い投票率の中で保守に対する支持が圧倒的だ。 支持に対する理由はおそらく韓国と似ているだろう。 経済成長優先政策などに対する機会の可能性を支持しているようだ。 イデオロギーとしての投票性向は、韓国と日本の20代にはもう遠い話になったようだ。 ただ、韓国の20代女性だけはいまだに独裁、社会内の問題意識、不平等について声を出そうとしている姿が見える。 しかし日本の20代女性の声は韓国に比べて極めて足りない印象を拭えない。
日本の野党進歩勢力は投票率の向上と20代女性を主なターゲットとする政策をより工夫しなければならないだろう。 今のような保守との差別のない政策対決では、絶対に韓国のような政権交代は行われないからだ。 完全に変えられるアイデアを実行に移さなければならない。(Qの希望)
The approval rating of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, whose approval rating remained in the 30% range, recently surpassed 40%. A particularly noticeable phenomenon is that the support of men in their 20s has increased.
In the past, Korean people in their 20s had overwhelming support from liberal parties rather than conservative governments, regardless of gender. However,  a confrontation between men and women in their 20s has occurred, and men in their 20s have shown support for conservative parties. This fact can be a meaningful interpretation that can be reflected in Japanese politics through the current state of Korean society.
In Korea, employment is difficult and real estate prices have soared. Of course, people in their 20s are expressing their difficulties. In a difficult reality, progressive parties have allocated a large budget to women's employment or feminist social organizations, emphasizing the value of gender equality.
Men in their 20s, who are already in difficulties in reality, have grown conscious of damage to women. In particular, women's organizations formed a power and raised their voices, resulting in conflicting opinions with men and extreme mutual slander.
Just in time, The conservative party drew support from men in their 20s through tax cuts for large corporations and the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. The absolute supporter of President Yoon Suk Yeol's election played a large role in men in their 20s along with the elderly in their 60s. Since the past, the elderly have supported the conservative party, but the support of men in their 20s has contributed greatly to the close race.
The elderly in Japan have a relatively strong tendency toward progress. As a generation that experienced war, the roots of the current Liberal Democratic Party may be recognized as being connected to war forces. Just as the current conservative regime in Korea is connected to the past military regime. However, the two countries' propensity to support is ironic on the contrary. As Japan experienced the worst situation of defeat, its strong belief that war should never happen again remains, so the progressive tendency of the elderly is noticeable. On the other hand, the elderly in South Korea still want strong military deterrence rather than peaceful dialogue, as North Korea still exists and hostile feelings remain for the existence that caused the war. Therefore, they attack the progressive side for dialogue with North Korea, along with accusations of communism.
Japan's voter turnout in its 20s is the lowest among any generation. Support for conservatives is overwhelming amid low turnout. The reason for support is probably similar to that of Korea. It seems to support the possibility of opportunities for economic growth-first policies. The tendency to vote as an ideology seems to have become a distant subject for Koreans and Japanese in their 20s. However, women in their 20s in Korea are still trying to make noise about dictatorship, awareness of problems in society, and inequality. I cannot erase the impression that the voices of women in their 20s in Japan are extremely lacking compared to Korea.
Japan's opposition progressive forces will have to devise more policies aimed at improving voter turnout and targeting women in their 20s. This is because the current policy confrontation with conservatives will never result in a regime change like Korea. Ideas that can be completely changed must be put into practice.(Q's hope)
