Young Sheldon 1-5 英語リスニング
そのうえ Meemaw や タム までシェルドンを当てにしはじめて・・・。
シェルドンに賭けの予想を頼み込むとき、Meemawの言葉がいつになく丁寧なのが可笑しい。 ↓ Did you get a chance to ~?
・audite 監査する
We've never been audited. 私たちは監査を受けたことがない
・bring up 話題に出す
I'm glad you brought up ’statistically’.
・be better off doing ~するほうが良い
Statistically, they're better off goin' for it.
・aloft 空中にある 高い位置にある
・put the word out
=to tell people a new piece of news
I put the word out I was helping you with the football stats.
・Did you get a chance to ~? (=Have you had a chance to ~?)
Did you get a chance to look at this week's games for me?
Can you give me a call when you get a chance? 手が空いた時に電話してくれる?
・knock A for a loop A(人)を面食らわせる
It is knocking me for a loop.
・extricate 救出する
Extricating myself from this situation was not going to be easy.