
ヴァリス三部作と宇宙の叡智 http://nyan579.seesaa.net/article/465882147.html Cyaan, Magenta, Yellow. 2019年05月23日 過去アーカイブより














(URL先がリンク切れでしたので、文章と訳を貼ります)The Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 1 of 3

銀河フォトンベルトの配置 - 3の1

In 1961 astronomers discovered, by means of satellite instrumentation, what appeared to be an unusual nebula.

We normally understand the nebula phenomenon as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. This one, however,

appeared to have anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula.




What is this electromagnetic cloud, this golden nebula? Its more universal designation is ‘photon belt’ or

‘photon band’, consisting of many bands. Any encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials and

advanced galactic civilizations as of great import. The more enlightened ETs refer to the photon belt as a ‘planetary trouble shooter’.

Planet Earth was in trouble from the damage incurred by our civilization and called for the photon belt—a typical emergency call procedure for planets.



フォトンベルトを「惑星のトラブルシューター」と呼んでいます。惑星地球は私達の文明によって被った損害から困っていて、光子ベルト - 惑星のための典型的な緊急電話手順 - を求めました。

But before we look at the Photon Belt in detail, let us cover some background information first.

しかし、Photon Beltを詳細に見る前に、まずいくつかの背景情報を説明しましょう。

Cycles of Creation


Our Earth rotates around our Sun, taking approximately 365 days for one complete revolution.


Then our Sun (our entire Solar System, to be exact) rotates around Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades constellation.

One complete revolution of our Solar System around Alcyone takes approximately 26,000 years.



In addition, Alcyone and our Solar System are revolving around the Galactic Core (central region) or our Milky Way Galaxy.

One complete revolution takes approximately 225 million years.



The Photon Belt


The Photon Belt is the Galactic Plane alignment of hundreds of billions of Milky Way star systems. Our solar system orbits

across this Photon Belt twice in approximately 26,000 years (Precession of Equinox).


This ‘Great Crossing’ thus occurs every 13,000 years. The ‘Great Purification’ naturally occurring at this time is the result of

the surge in brilliant photonic light from the Greater Central Sun out through the conduit of the Galactic Plane Photon Belt.



There are times during our 26,000 year revolution around Alcyone, that our Solar System sits either partly or fully within the Photon Belt

(referred to as periods of Light) and greater periods of time where our Solar System is not within this Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Darkness).


Due to the thickness of the Photon Belt’s field, we spend 2,000 years in the ‘Light’, then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ then 2,000 years in ‘Light’

and then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ – making up our full 26,000 year cycle.

Photon Beltの分野の厚さのために、私たちは 'Light'で2,000年、 'Darkness'で11,000年、そして 'Light'で2000年、そして 'Darkness'で11,000年を過ごします。 。

Thus every 13,000 years we reach the PEAK central region of the photon-belt of light and this coincides with the 13,000 year Stellar Cycle of our Sun.


Movement of Our Solar System into the Photon Belt


Our Solar System is now moving into Pleiades Photon Belt once again, into another 2,000 years of ‘Light’. In December Solstice 2012, our Solar System has

fully entered within this Photon Belt field. Likewise, Earth is now entirely within the photon belt.

私たちの太陽系は、再びPleiades Photon Beltに移行し、さらに2000年の「光」に移行しています。 2012年12月、当社のSolar SystemはこのPhoton Belt分野に完全に参入しました。


It has been intensifying for decades, changing the atmospheres on all the planets in our solar system and accelerating the rate of change in human consciousness.

The global evolution revolution in consciousness with the computer/Internet revolution has actually been in resonance with the surging intelligence in the Source Field.



This photonic energy is the highest form of light that is known – the light of Source, carrying a sentient supra-conscious intelligence, coded in the frequencies just as

laser light through fiber optics can carry thousands of videos and phone conversations coded in the light. Modern science has only recently ‘rediscovered’ what the ancients already knew.

This understanding of ‘Galactic Light’ was known anciently to the Gnostics:

このフォトニックエネルギーは知られている最も高い形態の光です - ちょうど光ファイバーを通してレーザー光が光の中でコード化された何千ものビデオと電話会話を運ぶことができるように周波数でコード化された


“The 2000 year old Gnostic text, discovered in Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945, reveals the cosmic understanding that the brilliant light plasma at the central core of our Galaxy is actually a sentient intelligence.

「1945年にNag Hammadi Egyptで発見された2000年前のGnosticのテキストは、私たちの銀河系の中心核にある輝く光のプラズマは実際には知性のある知性であるという宇宙の理解を明らかにしています。

Furthermore, these Gnostic texts tell us that the physical world we inhabit came into form as the intelligent expression of the plasma light, or ‘ether’, spiraling out from the Galactic Central Sun.”

~ excerpt from Galactic Light


Leading experts of both quantum science and the Mayan Calendar are saying that our DNA will be “upgraded” (coded with intelligence) from the center of our Galaxy – the ‘Greater Central Sun’.


Stellar Activations Cycle


The stellar activations have already begun and will continue through 2012 to 2017. This is explained in detail in Ashayana Deane’s Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti. The principle time cycle is 26,556 years,

which is the precession of the equinoxes and is caused by a slow wobble of the Earth as it spins and orbits around the Sun. This is known by astronomers.

2012年から2017年にかけて、すでに恒星の活性化は始まっており、続く予定です。これはAshayana DeaneのVoyagers II:Secrets of Amentiで詳しく説明されています。原理的な時間周期は26,556年で、これは分点の歳差運動であり、


Stellar activation occurs when our solar system lines up with the higher frequency bands of Pleiades (star Alcyone), Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and Andromeda. The frequency bands then merge and pass through Earth.

If Earth is out of balance within itself due to abuse from invader ETs, the Cabal, and humankind’s behavior, the higher frequencies will cause an ‘Armageddon’.



To understand the alignment, one could think of circles within circles (cycles within cycles) turning at different rates to which are attached magnets. Clearly, periodically they could line up,

forming one long and powerful magnet. This would act like a powerful current. It is called a holographic beam since it contains the fundamental energy of these systems.

整列を理解するために、円の中の円(サイクルの中のサイクル)が、磁石が取り付けられている異なる速度で回転すると考えることができます。 明らかに、彼らは定期的に並ぶことができました、

一つの長くて強力な磁石を形成する。 これは強力な流れのように振る舞うでしょう。 それはこれらの系の基本エネルギーを含むのでホログラフィックビームと呼ばれる。

After the convergence, this holographic beam carries the remains of photon activity. When Earth is in alignment, it merges with higher dimensional parallel Earth, Tara. During this process

the particles and antiparticles of these planets and their antiparallel planets are unified in certain specific ways. When these particles and antiparticles come together they create intense photonic activity

which we know as the Photon Belt. It is continually renewed each cycle as the holographic beam passes out through Alcyone, leaving the band around this star.

収束後、このホログラフィックビームはフォトン活動の残りを運びます。 地球が整列しているとき、それはより高次元の平行地球、タラと融合します。 このプロセスの間に、これらの惑星とそれらの逆平行な惑星の粒子と反粒子は

ある特定の方法で統合されます。 これらの粒子と反粒子が一緒になると、それらは私たちがフォトンベルトとして知っている強いフォトニック活動を作り出します。 ホログラフィックビームがAlcyoneを通過し、


What Does This All Mean For Planet Earth?


On the solstice of 21 December 2012, our entire solar system has entered fully in the Photon Band of Light, receiving direct energetic transmissions from Alcyone and

from our Galactic Core of the Milky Way – The Waves of Love.


銀河系の天の川 - 愛の波から。

In addition, we are also coming to the end of the Grand Cycle of time, the end of another 225 million year cycle, 26,000 year cycle and 365 day cycle.

Thus on this December solstice there was a grand alignment in our stellar skies of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, with Alcyone, with our Sun and with Earth –

marking the end of some significant cycles of time (or frequencies of consciousness).

さらに、グランドサイクルの終わり、さらに2億2500万年のサイクル、2万6000年のサイクル、そして365日のサイクルも終わります。 この12月の至点では、天の川銀河の中心、


The Greater Central Sun (Galactic Core) is directly pulsing electromagnetic Wave of Love vibrations though our Central Sun (Alcyone),

through our Sun and into Earth, bringing through very high pulsations or frequencies of light energy to Earth.

Greater Central Sun(銀河系コア)は、私たちのSunを通して、そして地球に向けて、私たちのCentral Sun(Alcyone)を通して電磁波の愛の振動を直接パルスしていて、


This electromagnetic energy is facilitating a shift in consciousness, a divine shift of the level of awareness of humanity from

an egoic third dimensional state of fear, to a consciousness level of Love and Oneness, a fifth dimensional state of being.


The Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 2 of 3

銀河フォトンベルトの配置 - 3の2

The Galactic Center


The Galactic Center is 26,000 Light Years from the Sun, and we are merging with it now as we come to the end of the cycle. It is the cross over point, the Void,

Zero Point and our Solar System is moving through it as the end of the Mayan Calendar.



According to the Maya and many other cosmic cultures, the Galactic Center is where souls pass after death, and re-birthed, where time and space have collapsed totally and do not exist.

It is the impulse from the Void; the universe pulses out creating life and flows in creating transformation, the cross over place.



The Galactic Center is a gateway of change. It opens us up to multidimensional spaces and we can access our past and future all NOW in holograms of light. The Galactic Center emits

massive amounts of infra-red rays which activate us to remember our true radiance and light and ground it within us, as we open up to our multidimensional Self and bodies of Light.



The official thought is that the Galactic Center is a super-massive Black Hole. Scientists do not look at it from a multidimensional perspective but just a third dimensional one.

They fear all is lost in a Black Hole when in actual fact everything just unifies and merges, returns through the Black Hole and then out through a White Hole of another prism of Creation.



The Galactic Center is the cross over point, black hole where we move through as we complete Duality and unify.


Zero Point


Gregg Braden is currently traveling around the United States and in the media, telling of the scientific proof of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt and the slowing of the

Earth’s rotation. At the same time there is an increase in the resonant frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance). When the Earth stops its rotation and the resonance frequency reaches 13 cycles,

we will be at a zero-point magnetic field. The Earth will be stopped, and in 2 or 3 days it will start turning again in the opposite direction. This will produce a reversal in the magnetic

fields around the Earth and so forth.

グレッグブレーデンは現在、アメリカ中を旅しながらメディアを利用して、フォトンベルトを通過する地球の科学的証拠と地球の自転の減速を語っています。同時に、地球の共鳴周波数の増加があります(Schumann Resonance)。


Geophysical Condition #1: Earth’s Rising Base Frequency


Earth’s background base frequency, or “heartbeat” (called Schumann Resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement

was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing.

Science does not know why, or what to make of it.




Gregg Braden found data collected by Norwegian and Russian researchers on this; it’s not widely reported in the U.S.

Gregg Bradenは、これに関してノルウェーとロシアの研究者によって集められたデータを見つけました。アメリカではあまり報告されていません

Geophysical Condition #2: Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Field


While Earth’s “pulse-rate” is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining. According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico,

the field has lost up to half of its intensity in the last 4,000 years.


Time will appear to speed up. A 24-hour day will seem to be about 16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or “heart-beat” of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles

for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980. It is about 12 cycles at the present. It stops at 13 cycles.

時間がスピードアップするように見えます。 24時間の日数は約16時間以下のようです。シューマン共鳴(または母なる地球の「心拍」)は、何千年もの間7.8サイクルでしたが、

1980年以降上昇しています。現在は約12サイクルです。 13サイクルで停止します。

Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years.


Here is a YouTube video of Zero Point and the Photon Belt: Itasha’s Apache Wisdom Keeper-the Science of Ascension

これは、Zero PointとPhoton BeltのYouTubeビデオです。ItashaのApache Wisdom Keeper - 昇天の科学

For the Guardians’ perspective on Zero Point as translated by Speaker 1, E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas, please click here: “FAIL-SAFE 5th Anniversary Note” – Part 2

講演者1のE’Asha Ashayana Arhayasが翻訳した、ゼロポイントに関する保護者の見解については、ここをクリックしてください。「FAIL-SAFE 5周年記念ノート」 - パート2

Photon Energy


Photons are the smallest possible particles of light in quantum physics. A photon particle is the result of a collision between an anti-electron or positron and an electron.

These split second collisions cause the charges of the particles to cancel and the resultant mass is converted into energy in the form of photons.



Photons are emitted during the transmission of one energy state to another. They have zero mass and no electrical charge. Photons are what the ancients harnessed as

energy for communication, stellar travel, energy production etc.



Photon promises to be a major source for our energy requirements in the very near future. Photon energy will provide a new and unlimited source of energy.

The energy source will enable our world to easily abandon the fossil fueled industrial age. In a short period of time, our civilization can begin to rid itself of

those technologies that have polluted our planet for the past two and one half centuries.



Photon energy will not only provide our bodies with a maximum efficiency of energy use, it will also do the same for our homes and factories. We will

enter a new and wondrous energy age. There is also an additional benefit to this event. Space travel will become simple and the preferred mode of transportation.



In aboriginal mythology it is often stated that humans were different then than they are now and that they had a bridge to the stars. In the Photon Belt,

we will be different and with the power provided by the photon beam as a propulsion system the planets and the stars will become quite near. Soon,

it will be as easy to travel to Sirius or any nearby star as it is now to travel to New York.




Transformation of Consciousness


Being in the Photon Belt will play a significant role in the transformation of humankind. Both great illumination of consciousness will occur as well as

great resistance to new ideas. This is a period of awakening essentially due to the ascension cycle and planetary alignment.



The phenomenon of both the Photon Belt plus stellar activity will reduce the veil stopping us from seeing who we are. It will remove some of the barriers

around cells and DNA making them more reactive or responsive to new energies, and in fact the DNA will attempt to respond to the changing frequencies, increasing its capacity.

Photon Beltと恒星の活動の両方の現象は、私たちが誰であるかを見るのを妨げるベールを減らすでしょう。それは細胞とDNAの周りのいくつかの障壁を取り除き、


It presents opportunities for change on a planet by adding new energies. It increases the flow of energy in the magnetic grids of Earth, attracting new ideas and

energies. People will feel the need to transform but those who consider this physical reality their only expression will dwindle into greater fixations, blocks and negativity.



The Guardians, IAFW and Emerald Covenant Angelic Nations


The Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW) was formed 250 billion years ago to serve the role of primary Guardian Race Administration and protectors of the

Emerald Covenant freedom agendas in our 15-dimensional Time Matrix.



Throughout the many eons of intergalactic, interdimensional history, the IAFW and its countless Emerald Covenant Guardian Angelic Nations, continually labor to

restore and maintain the structural integrity of our Time Matrix. Presently there are over 25 billion different interdimensional, interstellar Nations serving as

active members of the IAFW.



The Guardians’ association spans many different planetary, star systems, space, time and dimensions. Membership within the Guardians organization encompasses

the matter-based galaxies and universes of the lower dimensions to the immeasurable cosmic reality fields of pure consciousness free from dimensional structure.

They work together to assist in the evolution of developing cultures throughout the multidimensional Universe.



Between 2017 and 2022, when the Halls of Amenti (the blue sphere holding our divine blueprints) merge Tara and Earth together, those humans and Indigos who have

assembled the fifth DNA strand and are eligible for ascension to Tara will be guided to interdimensional transportation locations to Tara. Those who have assembled the

sixth and seventh strands may be transported to Gaia. There may be others who will be transported to their home planets or elsewhere where they play and celebrate with their

Family of Consciousness. Remaining Angelic Humans and Indigos will progress in their 12 Code activation and DNA blue print activation.


次元間輸送場所に導かれますタラへ。 6本目と7本目のストランドを組み立てた人はガイアに運ばれるかもしれません。彼らの故郷の惑星や、彼らが彼らの意識の家族と一緒に遊んで祝う場所に

運ばれる人がいるかもしれません。残りのAngelic HumansとIndigosは、12のCodeアクティベーションとDNAブループリントアクティベーションを進めます。

Angelic humans and the races of Earth will soon be prepared for visits from the Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite and other Emerald Covenant Races.

The Guardians will invite ethical Earth groups to join the Emerald Covenant, where spiritually mature and virtuous humans would be offered the opportunity to

reclaim their role as guardians of the Planetary Templar Complex. The first physical contacts of the Emerald Covenant Angelic Nations is scheduled between 2017 and 2022;

these contacts will be made individually and privately.




Role of the Galactic Federation of Light


The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy.


At present, there are just over 200,000 member star nations, confederations or unions. Approximately 40% are humanoids and the rest are varied forms of sentient beings.

Most members of the Galactic Federation are fully conscious beings.


The Galactic Federation’s purpose is to foster goodwill and understanding of the star nations that are answering the call of Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy to assist us

in our ascension/transformation process.


Andromeda M31 Galaxy


The Andromeda M31 Galaxy is interfacing with our Milky Way Galaxy and holds very high frequencies of unified matrix of light. This is aligning us back to the higher

dimensional Solar System. This is the Solar System of the Greater Central Sun, which is Sirius B, a great star that has a Solar System so vast that the Solar System of the

Central Sun Alcyone is on an outer orbit of it, and our Solar System is on an outer orbit of Alcyone’s Solar System. The Blue Star refers to Sirius B from the Hopi Prophecy.


これは大中部太陽の太陽系、Sirius Bであり、太陽系の広さが非常に大きいので、中央太陽の太陽系はその外側の軌道上にあり、私たちの太陽系はその上にあります。


Our galaxy will gradually merge and rejoin the Andromeda Galaxy, from which it fell out of eons ago.


There is a loop that we jump in order to move into the higher dimensional Solar System and in order to do that

we have to shift our consciousness. For as we align with the Sun, the Second Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun,

we awaken the Sun within us and the Earth herself becomes a Sun (within the next one thousand years in linear time).

This is the dimensional shift, the Golden Age we are moving into. This is happening whether we like it or not.

It is the completion of three grand Cycles, and is like trying to stop night and day from happening.

So we open to the flow and move with it, or resist in fear and stay stuck in the third dimension for eons more time.


私達がジャンプするループがあります。 太陽、二番目の太陽、中央の太陽、そしてより大きな中央の太陽と一直線に並ぶにつれて、

私達は私達の中で太陽を目覚めさせ、そして地球自身が太陽となる(次の千年以内に)。 これが次元のシフト、

つまり私たちが動いている黄金時代です。 これは私たちが好きであろうとなかろうと起こっています。 それは三大周期の完成であり、

夜と昼が起こるのをやめさせようとしているようなものです。 ですから、私たちは流れに向かって開き、それと共に動くか、


The Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 3 of 3

銀河フォトンベルトの配置 - 3の3

The Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun


The Sun is connected to every aspect of life and creates the world as we live in it. The Sun is not just a gaseous ball but has very highly evolved worlds and Beings. The Sun is a great place of

learning and wisdom as well as a stage of initiation for those who choose to go through the Sun and beyond.



The Sun is connected to the Central Suns. There are many Suns and Central Suns; it is through these Suns that all worlds are created and aligned. The Sun illuminates the vibrations that help us to grow.

If it feels our Love, it feeds that Love; if it feels our fear, it creates experiences for us to open up more fully to Love.



The Sun is Light, and the Light allows us to see that which is not light, our separation and duality. We are given the gift of seeing our polarities to unify.


As we align with our Sun, it sends out cosmic rays and solar flares. These cosmic rays also come from other Suns and Central Suns that are aligning with the Earth as we star map the grid

with the solar system in harmony once more. The last time we were aligned to the Sun and Central Sun was in the last Golden Age. At that time we created the pyramids, stone circles, standing stones

in alignment with different stars in our Solar System. These stars are Suns and Central Suns.


私たちが太陽と中央太陽に一直線に並んだのは最後の黄金時代でした。その時私達は私達の太陽系の異なった星と一直線にピラミッド、石の円、立ち石を作成した。これらの星はSunとCentral Sunです。

The Greater Central Sun is now also aligning with us which means all these high frequencies of Source energy are creating a shift in consciousness.


We can only access the energy of the Greater Central Sun when our hearts are open and we operate from love in our connection to the Source. Once we have loved and accepted our negative emotions

and thoughts, we have the ability to fully love our self with all our imbalances and karma. As we surrender to Divine Will, we come to peace within. Love, compassionate, acceptance and

allowing become our natural state of Being.




This is happening more and more; many have or are reaching this state of love and allowing. Your love sets you free, and you move into the higher dimensional realms as

the Greater Central Sun illuminates you from your heart and eternal connection to the Source within.



Liquid Light Plasma


We have been reborn. Love has transformed enough of the fear for us to move into the Golden Age in Love, Peace and Joy. We are awakening to our Divine Blueprint and

our Divine Birthright and shine the Sun that we are.



Liquid Light Plasma is now flowing freely through the Inner Earth Sun. This upgrade is affecting all of us. We receive the Light through the Pineal and process

it all in the Pituitary and the Thymus, regulating our body and Kundalini flow. We are receiving this information from matter, antimatter and dark plasma.



Our multidimensional bodies are Liquid Light Plasma and exist in the worlds of what scientists call dark matter or antimatter, that is lighter and higher

frequency than dense matter and interfaces with the higher dimensions. As this process evolves within us our DNA, RNA and Light Bodies activate to hold greater

light and our energy field is strong and clear. It also means that we have a lot of energy at our disposal, and we must be aware of our thoughts, words and actions.

We have a lot of responsibility to be aligned with Source and come from unity, rather than separation consciousness and to take responsibility for all levels of our being.





There is scientific evidence from NASA of a type of magnetic rope of plasmic filaments that acts as a transmission across interplanetary and interstellar space

coming from the Galactic Center. This signifies a multidimensional doorway. As we become more Liquid Light Plasmic, we travel in our body through the love of our

open heart into the multidimensional realms of existence. Now, as we have completed the old great cycle, we move through the Galactic Center and into the higher

dimensional Earth and New Solar System. We become a Sun, as the Sun becomes a Central Sun, and the Central Sun a Greater Central Sun.




Higher Dimensional Earth and New Solar System


The Central Sun in our Solar System is Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiadian System, and our Solar System rotates around it in a cycle of approximately

26,000 years. We are coming to the end of this cycle now as we merge through the Galactic Center. The Central Sun revolves around the Greater Central Sun,

Sirius B. As our Solar System moves through the Galactic Center, it aligns us with the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We become the Sun of our True Self.




It has taken us on a journey of experiencing the levels of creation from the densest levels of consciousness to the highest we can achieve in the Template of Duality.

Now we are moving through into the realms of the unified matrix or Template of Oneness and the higher dimensional realms of existence. We are ready to make the big leap,

across the gap and into the new Solar System and New Earth.



The Second Sun and the New Solar System


The new Solar System is not so much new but at a higher dimension than the Solar System we inhabit at present. Our Sun was birthed out of this with its binary Twin Sun.

Eventually after much interference in the Universe by exploding worlds, wars, comets and deluge of meteorites, our Solar System was created through the density and

chaos of these occurrences at a lower frequency than it had once held.



Duality became the norm. The Sun had lost its Twin whose orbit was way out in a cycle of millions of years and separation was the theme. Now as these cycles are

completing and the Twin returns, union takes place and the doorway is open through humanity’s hearts. Unified with its Twin, the Sun opens the doorway for the shift

in frequency back into the higher frequency Solar System it once came from. The music of the spheres are dancing and illuminating the rays of harmonic vibrations to draw us home.

As we move into the new Solar System we come home unto ourselves.




The Earth Becomes a Sun


As we align with the Sun, the Second Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, we awaken the Sun within us and the Earth herself becomes a Sun. Earth becoming a Sun is a gradual

process and will come to fruition within the next thousand years in linear time. This is the dimensional shift, the Golden Age we are moving into.



Realignment of the Stars


Planet Earth is now being influenced by entirely new star patternings that we have never before experienced. The influence of these new star patternings will grow in importance

in the times to come. This is of great significance and its effects are only beginning to be understood.



There is a constant shifting in the heavens which is creating profound changes. As you know, space is not flat. It curves and bends, containing pockets and folds.

These pockets and folds are slowly moving and changing shape. As they do, new pockets are formed and previously sealed-off pockets are opened.



Thus we shall discover that unknown star fields, previously hidden in pockets and folds in space are now slowly being revealed.


Conversely, many star field frequency patternings to which Earth has long been accustomed, are slowly being withdrawn. They are being recalled into

newly created pockets and folds in deep space.



This is of tremendous importance for it is part of the establishment of the new etheric blueprint and grid matrix overlay.


Since the Realignment of the Stars actually began long ago, some of these changes have already been observed in the night sky by our astronomers.

It has simply taken this long for the changes to be visible due to the slow speed that light travels. While we wait for science to catch up to metaphysics to

supply the physical “proof” that some people require, we are already being affected by this shift.




We are experiencing this influx of new star field energies as part of the heightened acceleration of the Time of Completion.


They are helping bring in the accelerated frequencies which are aiding our process of restructurization and recalibration as we make the quantum leap into Oneness.


New Galaxies Interfacing with Milky Way


A Galactic Gate is vaster than a Star Gate and encompasses new seedings of not only the New Earth, new Suns and new Solar System. Since the shift through

the Galactic Plane in December 2012 Solstice, stars not from this Milky Way have interchanged with the Milky Way, our galaxy. When the shift happened everything

could be likened to ‘moving inside out’, and there are new Galaxies interfacing with ours.

銀河の門は星の門よりも広大で、新しい地球、新しい太陽、そして新しい太陽系だけでなく、新しい種結晶も含まれています。 2012年12月のSolsticeでの銀河面の移動以来、



This is a positive thing as it brings in new energies that are vibrating in higher octaves of light that we are able to hold since we are more

in the unified field and unity consciousness, Oneness with all life.



The energies of the new stars feel divine, such gentle soft starlight illuminating to us and from within us. They open pathways to Love,

peace within, unity and Oneness.




1.King, Soluntra: Evenstar Creations
2.Solara. The Star-Borne: A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones. NVisible Publishing, 2012. Digital.
3.Arhayas, E’Asha Ashayana: Arhayas Productions
4.Prokofieff, Sergei. And the Earth Becomes a Sun: The Mystery of the Resurrection. Wynstones Press; Tra edition, 2014. Print.


1.Soluntraの王様:Evenstar Creations
2.ソララ 星の負担:目覚めた人への思い出。 NVisible Publishing、2012年。デジタル。
3.Arhayas、E’Asha Ashayana:Arhayasプロダクション
4.Prokofieff、セルゲイ。 そして地球は太陽になる:復活の謎。 ウィンストーンプレス。 Tra版、2014年。印刷。





