サイトにはなかなか記載のない、ミノキシジルタブレットの情報になります。 途中より有料となりますが、ある程度の内容は無料部分にも書いています。
何が、なぜ、どのように体に良くない?のか(断定ではありません) を個人的コメントで記載しています。 AGAにも心臓にもある程度詳しい、しかも実地の経験がかなりある医師がどんなふうに考えているのか? を知りたい方は有料部分を購入してください。
それなりのAGA治療経験がある方はまずいません。 この両方を経験することは一般的な医師のキャリアとしてはまずありえないからです。
発毛によく効くのは確かです。 この薬を使用しないと発毛が不十分という
ですが、長い人生を考えたときにはじめから使用する薬か? というと全員がはじめから使用するのはちょっと待って・・・となる薬かもしれません。なので、薬のことをある程度分かった上で身体を大切に覚悟をもって使用しましょう。
身体には悪くても自分にとっては髪の方が今は重要だ・・・というのは当然ありだと思います。 おそらくは異性への問題もからむでしょうから。
ミノキシジルタブレットの医学情報-2 に記載しています。
https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2015/018154s026lbl.pdf より引用
1. General Pharmacologic Properties
Minoxidil is an orally effective direct acting peripheral vasodilator that reduces elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance. Microcirculatory blood flow in animals is enhanced or maintained in all systemic vascular beds. In man, forearm and renal vascular resistance decline; forearm blood flow increases while renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate are preserved.
Because it causes peripheral vasodilation, minoxidil elicits a number of predictable reactions. Reduction of peripheral arteriolar resistance and the associated fall in blood pressure trigger sympathetic, vagal inhibitory, and renal homeostatic mechanisms, including an increase in renin secretion, that lead to increased cardiac rate and output and salt and water retention. These adverse effects can usually be minimized by concomitant administration of a diuretic and a beta-adrenergic blocking agent or other sympathetic nervous system suppressant.
Minoxidil does not interfere with vasomotor reflexes and therefore does not produce orthostatic hypotension. The drug does not enter the central nervous system in experimental animals in significant amounts, and it does not affect CNS function in man.
2. Effects on Blood Pressure and Target Organs
The extent and time-course of blood pressure reduction by minoxidil do not correspond closely to its concentration in plasma. After an effective single oral dose, blood pressure usually starts to decline within one-half hour, reaches a minimum between 2 and 3 hours and recovers at an arithmetically linear rate of about 30%/day. The total duration of effect is approximately 75 hours. When minoxidil is administered chronically, once or twice a day, the time required to achieve maximum effect on blood pressure with a given daily dose is inversely related to the size of the dose. Thus, maximum effect is achieved on 10 mg/day within 7 days, on 20 mg/day within 5 days, and on 40 mg/day within 3 days.
The blood pressure response to minoxidil is linearly related to the logarithm of the dose administered. The slope of this log-linear dose-response relationship is proportional to the extent of hypertension and approaches zero at a supine diastolic blood pressure of approximately 85 mm Hg.
When used in severely hypertensive patients resistant to other therapy, frequently with an accompanying diuretic and beta-blocker, LONITEN Tablets usually decreased the blood pressure and reversed encephalopathy and retinopathy.
3. Absorption and Metabolism
Minoxidil is at least 90% absorbed from the GI tract in experimental animals and man. Plasma levels of the parent drug reach maximum within the first hour and decline rapidly thereafter. The average plasma half-life in man is 4.2 hours. Approximately 90% of the administered drug is metabolized, predominantly by conjugation with glucuronic acid at the N-oxide position in the pyrimidine ring, but also by conversion to more polar products. Known metabolites exert much less pharmacologic effect than minoxidil itself;
all are excreted principally in the urine. Minoxidil does not bind to plasma proteins and does not cross the blood brain barrier. Its renal clearance corresponds to the glomerular filtration rate. In the absence of functional renal tissue, minoxidil and its metabolites can be removed by hemodialysis.
4. Cardiac Lesions in Animals
Minoxidil produces several cardiac lesions in animals. Some are characteristic of agents that cause tachycardia and diastolic hypotension (beta-agonists like isoproterenol, arterial dilators like hydralazine) while others are produced by a narrower range of agents with arterial dilating properties. The significance of these lesions for humans is not clear, as they have not been recognized in patients treated with oral minoxidil at systemically active doses, despite formal review of over 150 autopsies of treated patients.
Papillary muscle/subendocardial necrosis The most characteristic lesion of minoxidil, seen in rat, dog, and minipig (but not monkeys) is focal necrosis of the papillary muscle and subendocardial areas of the left ventricle. These lesions appear rapidly, within a few days of treatment with doses of 0.5 to 10 mg/kg/day in the dog and minipig, and are not progressive, although they leave residual scars. They are similar to lesions produced by other peripheral arterial dilators, by theobromine, and by beta-adrenergic receptor agonists such as isoproterenol, epinephrine, and albuterol. The lesions are thought to reflect ischemia provoked by increased oxygen demand (tachycardia, increased cardiac output) and relative decrease in coronary flow (decreased diastolic pressure and decreased time in diastole) caused by the vasodilatory effects of these agents coupled with reflex or directly induced tachycardia.
Hemorrhagic lesions After acute oral minoxidil treatment (0.5 to 10 mg/kg/day) in dogs and minipigs, hemorrhagic lesions are seen in many parts of the heart, mainly in the epicardium, endocardium, and walls of small coronary arteries and arterioles. In minipigs the lesions occur primarily in the left atrium while in dogs they are most prominent in the right atrium, frequently appearing as grossly visible hemorrhagic lesions. With exposure of 1–20 mg/kg/day in the dog for 30 days or longer, there is replacement of myocardial cells by proliferating fibroblasts and angioblasts, hemorrhage and hemosiderin accumulation. These lesions can be produced by topical minoxidil administration that gives systemic absorption of 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day. Other peripheral dilators, including an experimental agent, nicorandil, and theobromine, have produced similar lesions.
Epicarditis A less fully studied lesion is focal epicarditis, seen in dogs after 2 days of oral minoxidil. More recently, chronic proliferative epicarditis was observed in dogs treated topically twice a day for 90 days. In a one year oral dog study, serosanguinous pericardial fluid was seen.
Hypertrophy and Dilation Oral and topical studies in rats, dogs, monkeys (oral only), and rabbits (dermal only) show cardiac hypertrophy and dilation. This is presumed to represent the consequences of prolonged fluid overload; there is preliminary evidence in monkeys that diuretics partly reverse these effects.
Autopsies of over 150 patients who died of various causes after receiving minoxidil for hypertension have not revealed the characteristic hemorrhagic (especially atrial) lesions seen in dogs and minipigs. While areas of papillary muscle and subendocardial necrosis were occasionally seen, they occurred in the presence of known preexisting coronary artery disease and were also seen in patients never exposed to minoxidil in another series using similar, but not identical, autopsy methods.
まったく修正しておりません。 そのままです。
の影響ミノキシジルによる血圧低下の程度と時間経過は、血漿中のその濃度と密接に対応していません。有効な単回経口投与後、血圧は通常30分以内に低下し始め、最低2〜3時間に達し、算術的に約30%/日の線形速度で回復します。効果の合計期間は約75時間です。ミノキシジルを1日1回または2回慢性的に投与する場合、所定の1日量で血圧に最大の影響を与えるのに必要な時間は、用量の大きさに反比例します。したがって、最大の効果は、7日以内に10 mg /日、5日以内に20 mg /日、3日以内に40 mg /日で達成されます。
ミノキシジルに対する血圧反応は、投与された用量の対数に直線的に関連しています。この対数線形の用量反応関係の勾配は、高血圧の程度に比例し、仰臥位拡張期血圧が約85 mm Hgでゼロに近づきます。
LONITEN Tabletsは、他の治療法に耐性のある重度の高血圧患者に使用されると、利尿剤とベータ遮断薬が付随することが多く、通常、血圧を下げ、脳症と網膜症を回復させます。
乳頭筋/心内膜壊死ラット、イヌ、およびミニブタ(サルではない)に見られるミノキシジルの最も特徴的な病変は、左心室の乳頭筋および心内膜下領域の限局性壊死です。これらの病変は、犬とミニブタで0.5〜10 mg / kg /日の用量で数日以内に急速に出現し、進行性ではありませんが、残存する瘢痕は残ります。それらは、他の末梢動脈拡張剤、テオブロミン、およびイソプロテレノール、エピネフリン、アルブテロールなどのベータアドレナリン受容体アゴニストによって生成される病変に似ています。病変は、酸素需要の増加(頻脈、心拍出量の増加)によって引き起こされる虚血と、反射または直接誘発された頻脈と相まって、これらの薬剤の血管拡張作用によって引き起こされる冠血流の相対的な減少(拡張期圧の低下と拡張期の時間の減少)を反映すると考えられています。
出血性病変犬およびミニブタでの急性経口ミノキシジル治療(0.5〜10 mg / kg /日)後、出血性病変は心臓の多くの部分、主に心外膜、心内膜、および小さな冠状動脈と壁の壁に見られます。細動脈。ミニブタでは、病変は主に左心房で発生しますが、犬では右心房で最も顕著であり、肉眼的に見える出血性病変として頻繁に現れます。犬に1〜20 mg / kg /日を30日以上曝露すると、線維芽細胞と血管芽細胞の増殖、出血、ヘモシデリンの蓄積による心筋細胞の置換が起こります。これらの病変は、0.5〜1 mg / kg /日の全身吸収をもたらすミノキシジルの局所投与によって生じる可能性があります。実験的薬剤であるニコランジル、テオブロミンなどの他の末梢拡張器も同様の病変を引き起こしています。
心外膜炎十分に研究されていない病変は限局性心外膜炎であり、2日間の経口ミノキシジル投与後に犬に見られます。最近では、慢性的な増殖性心外膜炎が1日2回90日間局所治療された犬で観察されました。 1年間の経口イヌ研究で、漿液性心膜液が見られました。
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