
有料記事、1記事2,500円 Paid articles, 2,500 yen per article


Bible Study. [I'm not going to pay 2,500 yen per article to talk about the Bible!][I'm sure your pastor talks about the Bible for free! What Bible study?]I only hand out envelopes to pay tithing, which the pastor checks off each month....





Regardless of denomination, there are many biblical disputes in churches. Some of them start with a dispute that worsens into an argument, and some people even attack each other out of resentment.

......Why is that?

We need to think about this before a tragic incident occurs.

[I'm not good at relationships, I have no idea what's going on with me...]It's a difficult world to live in, and that's no wonder.

[聖書の御言葉はあなたを試します!あなたは受け入れますか?彼(イエス キリスト)はあなたを招き入れています!受け入れますか?信じなさい!彼は力なんです!]
求道者達は、彼らの力強い語りに圧倒され、聖霊に導き出され、祈られながら発狂して泣き倒れ、救い主イエス キリストを信じて受け入れます。


Every missionary who comes to Japan with a shining eye to minister exclaims, "God is power! [God is power!][The Word of the Bible will test you! Do you accept it? He (Jesus Christ) invites you in! Do you accept? Believe it! He is the power!]The seekers are overwhelmed by their powerful words, led by the Holy Spirit, and prayed over, fuming, crying, and falling down, believing and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. Some have also been healed.

......Now, what do you think? What about their tremendous work and service? This is truly a moment when a life is turned 180 degrees upside down.



Then respond to them. They have done and served you with a moment that turned your life 180 degrees upside down and God's messenger ministry to you. 

......Now, what is it that they said? Never misquantify it.

-旧約聖書 創世記 1章 26節-

-新約聖書 マタイによる福音書 7章 6節-

犬や豚扱いですよ。わかりますか? この人間らしくない言われ方。。。
...…攻撃されていますか? 苦しんでおられますか?  

......I dare say. Jesus is angry......and that, too, is a great outrage. Yes, in fact, Jesus is alive, too, so ...Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over every beast of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.-Old Testament, Genesis 1:26-.

That's our original translation, so that's a lot of...Do not give the holy things to the dogs. Do not cast pearls to swine. Perhaps they will trample them underfoot and turn around and bite you."]-New Testament, Matthew 7:6-.

They are treated like dogs and pigs. Do you understand? This is an inhuman thing to say. They are no longer human beings. They are dogs and pigs. This is not the way we are treated. It's terrible, isn't it? What are we usually doing with SMS?Are we being attacked? Are you suffering?

[ブタ][死ね][喋んな、クズ][クソ ゴキブリ]


I think people who unexpectedly throw words like [pig], [die], [don't talk, scum], [fucking cockroach] at me for no reason at all are crazy.

....This article was written to sort out people who are so rough that they don't know what they are talking about on sms by people who have no business getting into fights. I have decided to write the words to write the article about the Bible story as a paid article for 2,500 yen in order not to throw the pearl called the Bible to these pigs and dogs.



This is what I have decided to do for God. Therefore, I ask for your understanding.  
In return, I will try to make the Bible articles as rich in content as possible, so please enjoy them. 
I will also be writing a series of Bible columns as soon as the subject is decided.
