こんなときだからこそイングリッシュ April 19th/ Boris Johnson thanks NHS staff for coronavirus treatment
Boris Johnson thanks NHS staff for coronavirus treatment
I have today left hospital after a week in which the NHS has saved my life, no question. It's hard to find words to express my** debt**. I want to pay my own thanks to the **utterly **brilliant doctors, leaders in their fields, and men and women but several of them for some reason called Nick who took some **crucial **decisions a few days ago which I will be **grateful **for the rest of my life.
NHS : National Health Service、イギリスの健康保険
debt: 恩義,借り、借金
utterly: 全く、徹底的に◆非常に強い感情などを強調するために用いられる。
crucial : 極めて重要な、命運を左右する、正念場の
・Tonight is crucial. : 今夜が峠です。
Grateful: 感謝する。
・I'm grateful for your help. : あなたの助力に感謝しています。
************************************************************************I want to thank the many nurses, men and women whose care has been so astonishing. I'm going to forget some names, so please forgive me, but I want to thank Po Ling and Shannon and Emily and Angel and Connie and Becky and Rachale and Nicky and Ann.
astonishing: 驚くべき、びっくりさせるような、思いがけない
************************************************************************And I hope they won't mind, if I mention in particular, two nurses who stood by my bedside for 48 hours when things could've gone either way. They are Jenny from New Zealand, Invercargill on the South Island to be exact, and Luis from Portugal near Porto.
mind: ~を嫌だと思う、~が気に障る
And the reason in the end my body did start to get enough oxygen was because for every second of the night they were watching, and they were thinking and they were caring and making the **interventions **I needed.
oxygen: 酸素
intervention: 介入〔他国への〕(内政)干渉、(武力)介入
So that is how I also know that across this country, 24 hours a day, for every second of every hour, there are hundreds of thousands of NHS staff who are acting with the same care and thought and precision as Jenny and Luis. That is why we will **defeat **this coronavirus and defeat it together.
We will win because our NHS is the beating heart of this country. It is the best of this country. It is unconquerable. It is powered by love.
So thank you from me, from all of us to the NHS.
May English be with you!!