

Mainly three topics(all three argument is about the existance of god)
1. The cosmological argument
2. The designer argument
3. The moral argument
4. words

1.The cosmological  argument

argues about the existance of the world andちゃんとした順番でこれにつなげる the existance of god 

Philosophy does not answers questions. It questions answers

cosmos= the world 

St Thomas Aquinas(just remember that this guy up with cosmological order)
ex nihiro nihil fit = nothing comes from nothing
                             something comes from something 
Simply explaied:The god made the universe

first cause = god

hidden assumption(意味違うけど実はほんとはみたいな感じ)
the universe might have started  by it's own and this is the big bang.

Cosmological argument= An attempt to prove that god exists (first cause) by observing how the universe works

cosmological argument is also called the first cause argument

2. The design argument
A design must have a designer
If you see a watch you will think it's not made naturally because it's complicated. So a design must have a designer.

unvrese can not come with an accident.
The universe prooves an inteligent designer
by William Paley

David Hume
・more than one designer
・designer may not be around
・Designer can be bad

HIdden assumption

Big bang
It's not designed 
no beginning

another one
Charles Darwin
Things evolte not designed

3.Moral argument
have this universal objective moral law→source god

Hasting rushdall
Since moral knowledge (to deside things are good or bad) exists there must a mind and thats god

but this claim doesn't proove that our mind is god

Guilty conscience 
When you do bad things you feel guilty 
You feel guilty because you know that was wrong
A small voice will tell you that was wrong
the voice is gods voice
so our guiltyness prooves there is god

The moral arugument doesn't tell there is god
The guiltyness we feel is an adaption for survival. To stop distracting people.

Samuel Freud
What you learn from your parents and comunity when you are young will stay in your unconsious mind(alittle like brane wash)
different people have different responces to stealing and killing(bad things)

Samuel Kant
If there is a world without god will people even know to be nice to other people?

4. experiments in class related to topics
Throwing stones in water
any action will affect big things

there is a first cause
(cosmological argument)

a design has a designer
(design argument)

there is no difference between countries saying that killing and stealing is bad
(moral argument)

Belive that there is no certan truths

big bang theory
A scientific theory that this universe was made by an explosion

an idea or principal

Hidden assumption
things that is hidden in peoples opinion

absolute morality
have a fix approach to what is right or wrong. If something is right then it is right in every situation Asian culture

related morality
have a subjective approach to what is right or wrong. something is morally right or wrong if you or the society to which you belong think it is
