【2/6.Escape from Sensory Paralysis】Translated by Nakashinski
I feel a fine stream of painful numbness increasing toward the tips of my pinky and ring fingers, like gel being squeezed out of a tube, using the thick muscles at the base of my thumbs as a core.
The painful numbness never pushed out from anywhere on the fingertips, which had no lids on them. The numbness filled the nerves between the base of the thumb and the fingertips, and at the same time, the lymphatic system throughout my body began to heat up.
As if repelled by the fear of the heat, a chill rushed through my ribs and down my abdomen, squeezing my gastric wall, and eventually the pressure caused me to vomit up gastric juices from my vomit.
This cooled the fever in my lymphatic system, but the numbness in my palms did not heal, and the chill that covered my entire body made me think of a lake smelt caught on the ice, on the verge of expiring.
Anyway, Akira wanted to get rid of this disturbing numbness and chill cleanly, so he shook his hands as hard as he could, as if they were shredded from his wrists. The momentum of this action caused the gastric juice that had stuck to his throat from vomiting to move into his oral cavity, and another pain pierced the area around his larynx where he had coughed up due to the stimulation of the acidic gastric juice, but the numbness and chill still remained.
And Akira's face, which is standing, face down, body folded forward, coughing, shallow breathing, and gagging without pause, is crumpled and dirty like pot noodle that have been left to heat up for a long time and boil violently, but no longer in this darkness, no matter the vomit, tears, or sniffles. He no longer feel like doing anything about the vomit, tears, and snot. He had no intention of doing anything.