なぜ「高田びわのす」と呼ばれているのか Why is it called "Takata Biwa no Su"?
The Takata district of Oita City, Oita Prefecture, is sandwiched between two rivers: the Otozu River and the Oono River.
There is a Japanese musical instrument called the biwa. The biwa is a stringed instrument that is related to the lute. It does not use a bow, but produces sound by plucking the strings like a guitar.
The Takata area is affectionately known as "Takata Biwa no Su" (Takata Biwa Tree) because its shape resembles that of a biwa.
There is an information site about Takata Biwanosu called "Takata Biwanosu News" (Japanese only).
"Takata Biwanosu News" (Japanese only)
A one-time pen-pal event at a fictional post office called "Takata Biwanosu Friday Post Office" is being held by an individual who has lived in the Takata area for many years.
The reason for holding the event is because it "seems interesting" and because we want to spread Japanese culture to the world while preserving it.
私の小さな挑戦、です。開催するからには楽しまなくては! そう思いませんか?
This is my little challenge. If we are going to hold an event, we have to have fun! Don't you think so?
I used Google Translate again this time for the English text. Thank you.