The Life of Kitten Bucho – 6 He Doesn't Meow
Bucho is a quiet cat. He hardly ever cries. Sometimes, when he gets angry and fights with a towel handkerchief, he cries "kikiki." It's not "neow."
However, on the way back from the vet for his first vaccination, I heard a clear cry of "meow" from inside the carrier bag, which was wrapped in a laundry net. It was a typical cat cry. I wonder if he was very lonely.
We took him to get his second vaccination just recently, but he was quiet
. When the vet examined him before the vaccine, he bit the vet's finger. I wonder if he was angry because the vet said, "Oh, he still has his baby teeth."
Speaking of injections, right after we rescued him, he caught a cold so I took him to the vet to give him an antibiotic injection. It was the first injection in Bucho's life as a cat. When the needle entered his small neck, he was so surprised that he jumped up, screaming, "Kyaa."
But he was silent both times when he got the vaccine. The first vaccine was given one month after the antibiotic injection, and the second vaccine was given one month after the first. I think that he remembered it, and perhaps he learned what an injection is.
Bucho may be very smart.