The life of Tomcat Bucho 4 The Struggle with Collar
When I got home, I first took out the carrier bag with Bucho in it from the stroller parked on the entrance porch. Then I took Bucho, wrapped in a laundry net, out of the carrier bag. It looked like an over-packaged snack.
At this time, Shimao, the resident cat, came out to the entrance, worried about Bucho. When I took Bucho out of the laundry net wearing a large Elizabethan collar, Shimao ran away at his strange appearance.
Bucho walks along in silence, staggering along. His annoying collar keeps bumping into pillars and doors, making it hard for him to walk.
Could Bucho survive for ten days in this condition? We were getting desperate.
But Bucho endured.
At first, the edge of the Elizabethan collar got in the way and he couldn't reach the food properly. He had no choice but to wait for us to put the food bowl close to his mouth and then eat it. He had an appetite. He had a tremendous appetite because he had fasted all day.
Then, he tried to go to his favorite place, the top of the closet, but the collar blocked his view and he couldn't jump up properly. He finally got there via the cat tower, but at the end he almost fell off.
Bucho no longer climbs up to the attic. He sleeps lower, with a sulky look on his face. The first day passed, then the second, then the third. Bucho is still patient. He scratches his collar with his hind legs to show his dissatisfaction, but that's it. When we tell Bucho he's doing a great job, he glares back.
We prayed that the ten days would pass quickly.