
The life of Tomcat Bucho 16 Bucho, opens the curtains

Many of the rooms in my house are divided by curtains. Because we used to live with many cats, we removed the partitions and doors and replaced them with curtains to make it easier for the cats to get in and out.

Bucho opens the curtains with his front paws. He skillfully turns his front paws inwards and opens them.

Why doesn't he turn his legs outward like humans do? Because it's impossible for a cat to do that due to the structure of its body. Shimao is a normal cat, so he sticks his head in the gap between the curtain and the wall and slips through the curtain.

I heard a whoosh. I turned around and saw Bucho opening the curtains with his paws. Interesting.

I thought it was a trick that Shimao couldn't do. Compared to Bucho, Shimao is not bad at using his front paws. When he has a request, he stares into my eyes. If his request is still not understood, he stretches his front paws out to my cheek and lightly scratches me with his claws.

Yesterday, I saw Shimao opening the curtain with his front paws. Shimao is an old cat who will be 13 years old this spring, but I wonder if he learned how to open curtains from Bucho.
