2021年4月7日 外務委員会
2021年4月7日 外務委員会
要旨:日本は北朝鮮拉致被害の問題を国際世論で動かそうとしてる。その中で 「日本は拉致加害国」との指摘もされている。茂木大臣はどのように反論するのか。
ている。こういう拉致問題と同列に語られる 問題では、全くない!と思っております。」
April 7, 2021 (Wed) House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs
Yuriko Yamakawa (Rikken Democratic Party, Independent)
Summary: Japan is trying to mobilize international public opinion on the North Korean abductions issue. In the process, it has been pointed out that Japan is a perpetrator of parental child abductions. How will Minister Mogi respond to this?
Toshimitsu Mogi (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Since the entry into force of the Hague Convention, Japan has been responding appropriately to the cases covered by the Convention, based on the Convention and in cooperation with other countries. In addition, in April last year, an amendment to the Law on the Effectiveness of the Convention was enacted for the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of the compulsory execution procedures for the return of children.
The issue of human rights and the rights of children is important, and various efforts are being made in each country to address this issue, but I think it is not appropriate to talk about this issue and (North Korean) abduction issue in the same way. (North Korean) abduction issue is a crime, completely different from this issue, and the (North Korean) abductors are
committing such atrocious acts which small children are taken away without permission, separated from their parents, and left there for decades. I strongly believe that this issue should not be discussed in the same breath as (North Korean) abduction issue!