【WHO】飲料水中のPFOSとPFOA:飲料水の水質に関するWHOガイドライン策定のための背景文書 29 November 2023 【翻訳:英語→日本語】
【WHO】29 November 2023
URL> https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/water-sanitation-and-health/chemical-hazards-in-drinking-water/per-and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances
PFOS and PFOA in Drinking-water: Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
29 November 2023
In view of the public health concerns of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated the development of a background document for the Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ) on PFAS in drinking-water with a focus on perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
As part of this process, the draft background document was offered for public consultation from 29 September to 11 November 2022, during which 25 sets of comments were received from different stakeholders. (WHO responses to the most common comments can be found here).
The WHO review and assessment of the PFAS group of substances is an ongoing process, and has now been expanded to consider sources of exposure beyond focusing principally on drinking-water. The review will also include further examination of the occurrence and health effects of additional substances (beyond PFOS and PFOA) of health concern, and a further examination of whether international health-based guideline values could be established.
The WHO review and assessment of the PFAS group of substances is an ongoing process, and has now been expanded to consider sources of exposure beyond focusing principally on drinking-water. The review will also include further examination of the occurrence and health effects of additional substances (beyond PFOS and PFOA) of health concern, and a further examination of whether international health-based guideline values could be established.
What are PFAS, PFOS and PFOA?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is the collective name for a large group of fluorinated compounds, which are used in a wide range of applications, such as aerosol propellants; solvents; pesticides; antifoaming agents; surface treatments for textiles, leather, masonry and paper and board; leveling agents in paints, coatings and waxes; plastics; lubricants and greases; and fire-fighting foams.
The most widely studied of these PFAS are perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Although the stability of PFOS and PFOA as well as their surfactant properties make them useful in consumer and industrial applications, there are concerns with their persistence and impacts on the environment and human health, as a result of exposure through the widespread uses of these chemicals. Drinking-water is one of several environmental sources of human exposure to PFAS, along with exposure via food, use in consumer products and occupational exposures.
これらのPFASの中で最も広く研究されているのは、パーフルオロオクタンスルホン酸(PFOS)とパーフルオロオクタン酸(PFOA)である。 PFOSとPFOAは、その安定性と界面活性剤としての特性から、消費者や工業用途に有用であるが、これらの化学物質の広範な使用による暴露の結果、その残留性と環境や人体への影響が懸念されている。飲料水は、食品経由の暴露、消費者製品への使用、職業上の暴露などとともに、人間がPFASに暴露されるいくつかの環境源のひとつである。
What is the status of the process in developing the background document?
WHO’s GDWQ chemical working group guided the preparation of the draft background document for the GDWQ on PFAS in drinking-water with a focus on PFOS and PFOA.
The process was initiated in 2017. Preliminary drafts were discussed at numerous consultations with the authors and the chemical working group, including in July 2018, April 2019, March 2021 and October 2021. The document also went through a peer review process in 2021, with the feedback provided considered by the chemical working group.
“PFOS and PFOA in drinking-water: Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality” was offered for public review from 29 September to 11 November 2022. During this period, WHO received 25 sets of comments from different stakeholders. WHO responses to the most common comments can be found here. In light of comments received and to ensure that the latest evidence is taken into account since the background document was drafted, WHO will continue its review of PFAS.The updated assessment will consider, inter alia, the International Agency for Research on Cancer's (IARC’s) carcinogenicity assessment on PFOS and PFOA. It will also include further examination of the occurrence and health effects of related substances (beyond PFOS and PFOA) of health concern. Furthermore, the review will be expanded to consider sources of exposure beyond focusing principally on drinking-water. The review will also further examine whether international health-based guideline values can be established. If it can, WHO will eventually determine tolerable daily intake or equivalent values that can be a starting point to establish drinking-water guideline values. It is noted that the FAO/WHO Codex Committee on Food Additives has included PFAS on its list of substances for evaluation by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) at its 16th session. The updated WHO review of PFAS described above will play a critical role in the planning of a future JECFA safety assessment of PFAS, which is scheduled to be undertaken in the coming years.
「飲料水中のPFOSとPFOA:飲料水の水質に関するWHOガイドライン作成のための背景文書 "は、9月29日から2022年11月11日まで一般公開された。 この期間中、WHOは様々な利害関係者から25件のコメントを受け取った。最も一般的なコメントに対するWHOの回答はこちらをご覧ください。WHOは、寄せられたコメントを考慮し、また、背景文書が起草されてから最新のエビデンスが確実に考慮されるよう、PFASのレビューを継続する。更新された評価では、特に、PFOSとPFOAに関する国際がん研究機関(IARC)の発がん性評価が考慮される。また、健康への影響が懸念される関連物質(PFOSとPFOA以外)の発生と健康への影響についてのさらなる検討も含まれる。さらに、主に飲料水に焦点を当てるだけでなく、暴露源を検討するためにレビューを拡大する。このレビューでは、国際的な健康ベースのガイドライン値を設定できるかどうかもさらに検討する。もし可能であれば、WHOは最終的に耐容一日摂取量またはそれに相当する値を決定し、飲料水ガイドライン値を設定する出発点とする予定である。FAO/WHOコーデックス食品添加物委員会は、第16回FAO/WHO合同食品添加物専門家委員会(JECFA)の評価対象物質リストにPFASを含めている。上記のPFASに関するWHOの最新レビューは、今後数年間に予定されているPFASのJECFA安全性評価の計画において重要な役割を果たすことになる。
The draft background document mentions chemical guideline values. What are those?
A guideline value normally represents the concentration of a constituent that does not result in any significant risk to health over a lifetime of consumption. The health effects information in the chemical background documents, including guideline values, are usually based on international chemical risk assessments (e.g. from WHO’s chemical safety team). In the absence of a suitable WHO assessment, guideline values may be based on one or more recent high quality, peer reviewed national or regional assessments.
In certain cases, WHO recommends a provisional guideline value that is higher than the health-based value (i.e. based on a chemical risk assessment). The provisional guideline value takes into account practical issues, including those associated with the feasibility of monitoring or treating the contaminant. [1] WHO has established a number of provisional guideline values at concentrations that are reasonably achievable through practical treatment approaches or that are detectable by standard analytical methods.
Chemical guideline values should be adapted in national standards and regulations, including establishing stricter values in national standards compared to the provisional guideline values, when resources are available.
背景文書草案では化学物質のガイドライン値について触れている。 それは何ですか?
ガイドライン値とは、通常、生涯にわたって摂取しても健康への重大なリスクが生じない成分の濃度を示します。 ガイドライン値を含む化学物質背景文書に記載されている健康影響情報は、通常、国際的な化学物質リスク評価(WHOの化学物質安全性チームなど)に基づいています。 WHOの適切な評価がない場合、ガイドライン値は、1つ以上の最近の質の高い、ピアレビューを受けた国または地域の評価に基づくことがある。
場合によっては、WHOは(化学物質リスクアセスメントに基づく)健康に基づく値よりも高い暫定ガイドライン値を推奨する。 暫定ガイドライン値は、汚染物質のモニタリングや処理の実現可能性など、実際的な問題を考慮したものである[1]。[1]WHOは、実用的な処理方法によって合理的に達成可能な濃度、または標準的な分析方法で検出可能な濃度で、多くの暫定ガイドライン値を定めている。
Who are the experts who have participated in developing the latest update to the GDWQ?
The contributors included the experts from the Guideline Development Group and working groups for the Guidelines for drinking-water quality: Fourth edition incorporating the first and second addenda, who formulate the recommendations related to chemical, microbial or protection and control aspects based on the evidence. Their names can be found in the Acknowledgement section of the Guidelines.
Additional contributors provide expertise and comments for all WHO assessments of drinking-water contaminants, including for PFOS and PFOA. For the PFOS and PFOA document, their names will be included in the final background document. As of 29 September 2022, contributors include:
Dr Ruth Bevan, independent consultant, United Kingdom; Mr Brad Lampe, WHO Collaborating Centre NSF International; Professor Peter Jarvis, Cranfield University, United Kingdom; and Professor John Fawell, Cranfield University, United Kingdom prepared the initial drafts of the background document, under the coordination of WHO and its experts from the chemical working group.
Experts from the chemical working group of WHO’s Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality guided the development of this document: Dr Mari Asami, National Institute of Public Health, Japan; Mr Richard Carrier, Health Canada, Canada; Dr Joseph Cotruvo, Joseph Cotruvo & Associates, United States of America; Dr David Cunliffe, South Australian Department of Health, Australia; Dr Alexander Eckhardt, Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency), Germany; Dr Akihiko Hirose, National Institute of Health Sciences of Japan, Japan; Dr Peter Marsden, formerly Drinking Water Inspectorate, United Kingdom; Dr Ed Ohanian, Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America; Professor Choon Nam Ong, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Dr Betsy Behl, Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America; and Dr Emanuela Testai, National Institute of Health, Italy.
Peer reviewers included Antonia Calafat, CDC, United States of America; Milou Dingemans, KWR Water Research Institute, the Netherlands; Dr Michael Dourson, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment, United States of America; Nick Fletcher, Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Australia; Tony Fletcher, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom; Philippe Grandjean, University of Southern Denmark and Harvard T.H. Chan, School of Public Health, Denmark and United States of America; Roberta Hoffman-Caris, KWR Water Research Institute, the Netherlands; Philip McCleaf, Uppsala Vatten Och Avfall AB, Sweden; Katie Pelch, University of North Texas Health Science Center, United States of America; Marc-Andre Verner, University of Montreal, Canada; Graham White, formerly Health Canada, Canada; and additional experts from the Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America.
WHO Unit on Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health provided coordination, strategic direction and liaison with the WHO Unit on Chemical Safety and Health.
飲料水水質ガイドラインのガイドライン開発グループおよびワーキンググループの専門家が参加しています:これらの専門家は、化学的、微生物的、または保護と制御の側面に関する勧告を、エビデンスに基づいて策定している。 彼らの名前はガイドラインの謝辞のセクションに記載されている。
PFOSとPFOAを含め、WHOによる飲料水汚染物質のすべての評価には、その他の貢献者が専門知識とコメントを提供している。 PFOSとPFOAについては、最終的な背景文書にその名前が記載される。2022年9月29日現在、貢献者は以下の通り:
WHOの飲料水水質ガイドラインの化学ワーキンググループの専門家が、この文書の作成を指導した:浅見真理博士(国立公衆衛生研究所、日本)、リチャード・キャリア氏(カナダ保健省、カナダ)、ジョセフ・コトルーボ博士(ジョセフ・コトルーボ&アソシエーツ、アメリカ合衆国)、デビッド・カンリフ博士(南オーストラリア州保健省、オーストラリア)、アレクサンダー・エクハルト博士(ドイツ連邦環境庁、ドイツ)、広瀬昭彦博士(国立医薬品食品衛生研究所、日本);Dr Peter Marsden, former Drinking Water Inspectorate, United Kingdom; Dr Ed Ohanian, Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America; Professor Choon Nam Ong, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Dr Betsy Behl, Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America; Dr Emanuela Testai, National Institute of Health, Italy。
査読者には、米国CDCのAntonia Calafat氏、オランダKWR水研究所のMilou Dingemans氏、米国Toxicology Excellence for Risk AssessmentのMichael Dourson氏、オーストラリアFood Standards Australia New ZealandのNick Fletcher氏、英国London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineのTony Fletcher氏、南デンマーク大学のPhilippe Grandjean氏、ハーバードT.H.Chan公衆衛生大学院のPhilippe T.H. Chan氏が含まれる。Chan, School of Public Health, Denmark and United States of America; Roberta Hoffman-Caris, KWR Water Research Institute, the Netherlands; Philip McCleaf, Uppsala Vatten Och Avfall AB, Sweden; Katie Pelch, University of North Texas Health Science Center, United States of America; Marc-Andre Verner, University of Montreal, Canada; Graham White, former Health Canada, and additional experts from the Environmental Protection Agency, United States of America.
Did the experts and contributors declare their conflicts of interest?
All authors, chemical working group members and peer reviewers have disclosed circumstances that could give rise to actual or ostensible conflicts of interest and have signed a Declaration of Interest form. No authors, working group members or reviewers declared any interests that were considered by the WHO Secretariat to preclude their involvement in development of the draft background document.
[1] An example of a provisional guideline value is the value established for lead at 10 μg/L. Although there is no apparent safe level of lead, this value takes into account difficulties in achieving lower values where lead-containing materials are used in water systems.
すべての著者、化学ワーキンググループメンバー、査読者は、実際の、あるいは表向きの利益相反を生じうる状況を開示し、利益宣言書に署名した。 WHO事務局が背景文書草案の作成に関与することを妨げるとみなした利害関係を宣言した著者、ワーキンググループメンバー、査読者はいない。
[1] 暫定的なガイドライン値の例として、鉛については10μg/Lという値が設定されている。明らかに安全な鉛のレベルは存在しないが、この値は、鉛を含む物質が水系で使用されている場合、より低い値を達成することが困難であることを考慮している。
【NHKニュース】有害性指摘のPFAS 一部物質について発がん性評価引き上げ WHO