ラジオ生活:ディスカバー・ビートルズ II・ビートルズの映画月間その4・George Martin Orchestra「Pepperland」
聞き逃しサービス2024/01/28 放送
ディスカバー・ビートルズ II
映画:Yellow Submarine(イエロー・サブマリン)
George Martin Orchestra
開始より09分40秒頃 (終了より40分20秒前頃)
配信終了2024/02/04 13:50
Google検索 URL>
Bing検索> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=George_Martin_Orchestra+Pepperland
Pepperland のWikipedia URL> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepperland
→[リダイレクト先URL] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Submarine_(film)
Yellow Submarine (also known as The Beatles: Yellow Submarine) is a 1968 animated jukebox musical fantasy comedy adventure film inspired by the music of the Beatles, directed by animation producer George Dunning, and produced by United Artists and King Features Syndicate. Initial press reports stated that the Beatles themselves would provide their own character voices. However, apart from composing and performing the songs, the real Beatles' only participation was in the closing scene of the film; the voices of their animated counterparts were provided by voice actors.
The film received widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike, in contrast to the Beatles' previous film venture Magical Mystery Tour. Pixar co-founder and former chief creative officer John Lasseter has credited the film with generating wider interest in animation as a serious art form, it having been generally considered a children's medium at the time. Time commented that it "turned into a smash hit, delighting adolescents and aesthetes alike". Half a century after its release, it is still regarded as a landmark of animation.
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
Wikipedia URL> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Martin
Sir George Henry Martin CBE (3 January 1926 – 8 March 2016) was an English record producer, arranger, composer, conductor, and musician. He was commonly referred to as the "Fifth Beatle" because of his extensive involvement in each of the Beatles' original albums. Martin's formal musical expertise and interest in novel recording practices facilitated the group's rudimentary musical education and desire for new musical sounds to record. Most of their orchestral arrangements and instrumentation were written or performed by Martin, and he played piano or keyboards on a number of their records. Their collaborations resulted in popular, highly acclaimed records with innovative sounds, such as the 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band—the first rock album to win a Grammy Award for Album of the Year.
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
サー・ジョージ・ヘンリー・マーティン CBE(1926年1月3日 - 2016年3月8日)は、イギリスのレコード・プロデューサー、アレンジャー、作曲家、指揮者、ミュージシャン。ビートルズの各オリジナル・アルバムに幅広く関わったことから、一般に「5人目のビートルズ」と呼ばれている。マーティンの正式な音楽的専門知識と斬新なレコーディング手法への興味は、グループの初歩的な音楽教育と、レコーディングする新しい音楽サウンドへの欲求を促進した。彼らのオーケストラ・アレンジや楽器編成のほとんどは、マーティンが作曲または演奏したもので、多くのレコードでピアノやキーボードを演奏している。1967年のアルバム『サージェント・ペパーズ・ロンリー・ハーツ・クラブ・バンド』は、グラミー賞の年間最優秀アルバム賞を受賞した最初のロック・アルバムである。