TVer生活:ドラマ「さよならマエストロ - 父と私のアパッシオナート - 」
ドラマ「さよならマエストロ - 父と私のアパッシオナート - 」
Sayonara Maestro - Chichi to Watashi no Appassionato
・ シューマン → #200im_シューマン
・メンデルスゾーン → #200im_メンデルスゾーン
・ベートーベン → #200im_ベートーベン
・バイオリン協奏曲 → #200im_バイオリン協奏曲
URL> https://tver.jp/search/父と私のアパッシオナート
「さよならマエストロ - 父と私のアパッシオナート - 」
TBS公式サイト URL> https://www.tbs.co.jp/sayonaramaestro_tbs/
Wikipedia URL> https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/さよならマエストロ〜父と私のアパッシオナート〜
(さよならマエストロ ちちとわたしのアパッシオナート)は、2024年1月14日より、TBS系「日曜劇場」枠で放送中のテレビドラマ。
【脚本】 大島里美
【演出】 坪井敏雄, 富田和成, 石井康晴, 元井桃
【監修】 広上淳一(音楽), 東京音楽大学, もあいかすみ(料理), 小坂初穂(絵画)
・夏目俊平(なつめ しゅんぺい)[ 西島秀俊 ]
・夏目響(なつめ ひびき)[ 芦田愛菜 ]
〜 [上記Wikipediaより抜粋]
〜 [上記抜粋の英文翻訳。翻訳にはアプリ「DeepL」を使用。]
〜 [ English translation of the above excerpt. The application "DeepL" was used for the translation. ]
Sayonara Maestro - Chichi to Watashi no Appassionato
(Sayonara Maestro: Chichi to Watashi no Appassionato) is a TV drama that has been airing on TBS in the "Sunday Gekijo" slot since January 14, 2024.
Starring Hidetoshi Nishijima.
It is an original story by Satomi Oshima and her first Sunday theater production.
Junichi Hirokami and Tokyo College of Music are supervising the production.
The main character, Shumpei Natsume, is a maestro (conductor) who has worked abroad at a young age and has performed with many famous orchestras. He is always passionate about the music he loves, and his colleagues are positively influenced by his passion. However, he had no talent outside of music, and was especially bad at housework.
After an incident five years ago, his family left Shumpei. With that, Shumpei kept his distance from the music industry. However, he returns to Japan for the first time in 20 years to conduct a citizens' orchestra in Harumi, Shizuoka Prefecture, overlooking Mt.
Shumpei's daughter, Hibiki. After an incident five years ago, she had parted ways with her father and spent her life without music as an employee of Harumi City. However, Shumpei suddenly decides to return to Japan, and they start living together in an awkward atmosphere.
Why was the world-renowned conductor genius left out of the limelight? And then there is his daughter, whom he has not seen in five years. Shumpei does not understand his daughter's feelings, but as he confronts her again as a father, he gradually moves her life.
Satomi OSHIMA, scriptwriter
Directed by ] TSUBOI Toshio , TOMITA Kazunari , ISHII Yasuharu , MOTOI Momo
Supervisors] Junichi Hirokami (music), Tokyo College of Music, Kasumi Moai (cooking), Hatsuho Kosaka (painting)
Characters] Shumpei Natsume
・Shumpei Natsume [ Hidetoshi Nishijima ].
・Natsume Hibiki [ Ashida Mana ].
Wiktionary JA(日本版) URL> https://ja.wiktionary.org/wiki/appassionato
Wiktionary IT(イタリア版) URL> https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/appassionato
〜[以下、上記Wiktionary IT(イタリア版)より抜粋]
< Aggettivo >
1. che sente una forte attrazione per una persona o una cosa; che ha una disposizione naturale alla passione
・è un uomo appassionato del suo lavoro
2. con talento e/o estremo interesse sino a compiere azioni in merito, anche per profitto
・è appassionato per i fumetti
< Sostantivo >
1. qualcuno attratto fortemente verso qualcosa
・è un appassionato di sport
< Voce verbale >
1. participio passato maschile singolare di appassionare
< 形容詞 >
1. 人または物に強い魅力を感じる人;情熱的な天性を持つ人
2. 才能がある、または非常に興味がある。
< 名詞 >
< 動詞項目 >
1. enthusiastの過去分詞男性単数形
〜 [補足] enthusiast : 熱狂者