ラジオ生活:ディスカバー・ビートルズ II・年度末自由研究その2 Paul McCartney「Here Today」
聞き逃しサービス2024/03/10 放送
ディスカバー・ビートルズ II
「Here Today」
Paul McCartney
開始より35分10秒頃 (終了より14分50秒前頃)
配信終了2024/03/17 13:50
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Paul McCartney「Here Today」
Wikipedia EN(英語版) URL> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_Today_(Paul_McCartney_song)
"Here Today" is a song by Paul McCartney from his 1982 album Tug of War. He wrote the song as a tribute to his relationship with John Lennon, who was murdered in 1980. He stated the song was composed in the form of an imaginary conversation the pair might have had. The song was produced by the Beatles' producer George Martin. Although not released as a single, the song reached No. 46 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock charts.
【Origins and meaning】
Paul McCartney composed "Here Today" in mid-1981, less than a year after John Lennon was murdered. In a 1982 interview with The Los Angeles Times, McCartney said that due to the honest and emotional nature of the song he was "kind of crying" when he wrote it. He even found it difficult to talk about with the other remaining members of the Beatles. The structure of the song itself is written like a dialogue between Lennon and McCartney. McCartney says that Lennon used to "lay into" McCartney, but often did not really mean it, and this is emulated in the hypothetical conversation where the two bicker over whether or not they really know each other. The song is about McCartney really trying to talk to Lennon, but finding it futile after the latter's death.
McCartney describes parts of the song as being quite honest. One verse in the song refers to an incident that occurred during the Beatles' first full American tour in 1964 when they were stranded in Key West, Florida during a hurricane. Said McCartney,
It was during that night, when we'd all stayed up way too late, and we got so pissed that we ended up crying—about, you know, how wonderful we were, and how much we loved each other, even though we'd never said anything. It was a good one: you never say anything like that. Especially if you're a Northern Man.
McCartney recorded "Here Today" sometime after June 1981 at his High Park home studio in Campbeltown, Scotland. The Beatles' former producer George Martin produced the song and provided its orchestral accompaniment, performed by a string quartet at AIR Studios in London on 30 November 1981. Mixing was done at Odyssey Studios in London on 9 December 1981.
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
"Here Today "は、ポール・マッカートニーが1982年に発表したアルバム『Tug of War』に収録されている曲。彼は1980年に殺害されたジョン・レノンとの関係に敬意を表してこの曲を書いた。彼は、この曲は2人が交わしたかもしれない想像上の会話の形で作曲されたと述べている。この曲はビートルズのプロデューサー、ジョージ・マーティンがプロデュースした。シングルとしてはリリースされなかったが、ビルボード・メインストリーム・ロック・チャートで46位を記録した。
マッカートニーは1981年6月以降、スコットランドのキャンベルタウンにあるハイパークの自宅スタジオで「Here Today」をレコーディングした。ビートルズの元プロデューサー、ジョージ・マーティンはこの曲をプロデュースし、1981年11月30日にロンドンのAIRスタジオで弦楽四重奏によるオーケストラ伴奏を提供した。ミキシングは1981年12月9日にロンドンのオデッセイ・スタジオで行われた。