ラジオ生活:クラシックカフェ ハイドン「トランペット協奏曲 変ホ長調」Trumpet: Wynton Marsalis
聞き逃しサービス 2024/02/27 放送 (2023/03/14の再放送)
「トランペット協奏曲 変ホ長調」
作曲: Joseph Haydn
開始より1時間35分14秒頃 (終了より14分46秒前頃)
配信終了 2024/03/05 15:50
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Bing検索 URL> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Joseph_Haydn+Trumpet_Concerto
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ハイドン「トランペット協奏曲 変ホ長調」
Wikipedia JA(日本版) URL> https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/トランペット協奏曲_(ハイドン)
トランペット協奏曲 変ホ長調 Hob. VIIe:1(伊: Concerto per il Clarino)は、フランツ・ヨーゼフ・ハイドンが1796年に作曲した楽曲である。
ハイドン「トランペット協奏曲 変ホ長調」
Wikipedia EN(英語版) URL> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trumpet_Concerto_(Haydn)
Joseph Haydn composed the Concerto per il Clarino (Hob. VIIe/1) (Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major) in 1796 for the trumpet virtuoso Anton Weidinger. Joseph Haydn was 64 years of age. A favourite of the trumpet repertoire, it has been cited as "possibly Haydn's most popular concerto". Although written in 1796, Weidinger first performed the concerto four years later on March 28, 1800.
【Original instrument】
Anton Weidinger developed a keyed trumpet which could play chromatically throughout its entire range. Before this, the trumpet was valveless and could only play a limited range of harmonic notes by altering the vibration of the lips; also called by the name of "natural trumpet". Most of these harmonic notes were clustered in the higher registers, so previous trumpet concertos could only play melodically with the high register (e.g., Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2). Haydn's concerto includes melodies in the middle and lower register, exploiting the capabilities of the new instrument. Haydn, fascinated by the invention, was inspired to write the concerto. He enjoyed experimenting with the instrument and its newly chromatic capabilities in all registers of the instrument. The concerto itself features a variety of chromatic shifts, achievable with the manipulation of the keys, to display Weidinger’s technical brilliance on the instrument.
There were attempts all over Europe around the mid-classical era to expand the range of the trumpet using valves, but Weidinger's idea of drilling holes and covering them with flute-like keys was not a success as it had very poor sound quality. Thus the natural trumpet still had continual use in the classical orchestra while the keyed trumpet had barely any repertoire. The valved trumpets used today were first constructed and used in the 1830s.
The work is composed in three movements (typical of a Classical period concerto), they are marked as follows:
I. Allegro (sonata)
II. Andante (A–B–A)
III. Allegro (rondo)
In addition to the solo trumpet, the concerto is scored for an orchestra consisting of 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani, and strings.
【In popular culture】
In Hong Kong, this piece has been adopted as the theme of the sketch comedy Shanghai Woman (played by Lydia Shum) in TVB's variety show Enjoy Yourself Tonight. This piece has also been adopted in one of the songs of Wan Kwong.
It was used in the 2003 Baby Einstein video Numbers Nursery.
The concerto's third movement was used in the popular Netflix TV Series, Squid Game.
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
I. アレグロ(ソナタ)
・香港では、この曲はTVBのバラエティ番組『Enjoy Yourself Tonight』のスケッチコメディ『上海女』(演:リディア・シャム)のテーマとして採用されている。また、ワン・クオンの曲にも採用されている。
・2003年のベビー・アインシュタインのビデオ『Numbers Nursery』でも使用された。
Franz Joseph Haydn
Wikipedia DE(ドイツ版) URL> https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
Wikipedia EN(英語版) URL> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
Franz Joseph Haydn ( 31 March[b] 1732 – 31 May 1809) was an Austrian composer of the Classical period. He was instrumental in the development of chamber music such as the string quartet and piano trio. His contributions to musical form have led him to be called "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String quartet".
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
フランツ・ヨーゼフ・ハイドン(Franz Joseph Haydn、1732年3月31日[b] - 1809年5月31日)は、オーストリアの古典派作曲家。弦楽四重奏曲やピアノ三重奏曲などの室内楽の発展に貢献した。音楽形式への貢献から「交響曲の父」「弦楽四重奏曲の父」と呼ばれる。
Wikipedia EN(英語版) URL> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wynton_Marsalis
Wynton Learson Marsalis (born October 18, 1961) is an American trumpeter, composer, and music instructor, who is currently the artistic director of Jazz at Lincoln Center. He has been active in promoting classical and jazz music, often to young audiences. Marsalis has won nine Grammy Awards, and his oratorio Blood on the Fields was the first jazz composition to win the Pulitzer Prize for Music. Marsalis is the only musician to have won a Grammy Award in both jazz and classical categories in the same year.
【Grammy Awards】
Best Jazz Instrumental Solo
・Think of One (1983)
・Hot House Flowers (1984)
・Black Codes (From the Underground) (1985)
Best Jazz Instrumental Album, Individual or Group
・Black Codes (From the Underground) (1985)
・J Mood (1986)
・Marsalis Standard Time, Vol. I (1987)
Best Instrumental Soloist(s) Performance (with orchestra)
・Raymond Leppard (conductor), Wynton Marsalis and the National Philharmonic Orchestra for Haydn, Hummel, L. Mozart: Trumpet Concertos (1983)
・Raymond Leppard (conductor), Wynton Marsalis and the English Chamber Orchestra for Wynton Marsalis, Edita Gruberova: Handel, Purcell, Torelli, Fasch, Molter (1984)
Best Spoken Word Album for Children
・Listen to the Storytellers (2000)
〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
ウィントン・リアソン・マルサリス(1961年10月18日生まれ)は、アメリカのトランペッター、作曲家、音楽指導者で、現在はジャズ・アット・リンカーン・センターの芸術監督を務めている。クラシック音楽とジャズ音楽の普及に積極的で、若い聴衆を対象とすることも多い。グラミー賞を9回受賞し、オラトリオ「Blood on the Fields」はジャズ作曲家として初めてピューリッツァー音楽賞を受賞した。マルサリスは、同じ年にジャズとクラシックの両部門でグラミー賞を受賞した唯一のミュージシャンである。
・レイモンド・レパード(指揮)、ウィントン・マルサリス指揮ナショナル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団(ハイドン、フンメル、L. モーツァルト:トランペット協奏曲)(1983年)
・リッスン・トゥ・ザ・ストーリーテラーズ (2000年)
Wikipedia JA(日本版) URL> https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ウィントン・マルサリス
ウィントン・マルサリス(Wynton Marsalis、1961年10月18日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国出身のトランペット奏者、作曲家。