Laurel Hubbard and Caster Semenya -transgender and intersex athletes-
stuff (ニュージーランドの中道左派)
Why Laurel Hubbard can compete at the Tokyo Olympics when Caster Semenya can't
Why Laurel Hubbard can compete at the Tokyo Olympics when Caster Semenya can't
May 15, 2021
While New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard is poised to become the first transgender athlete to compete at an Olympic Games, the two-times champion in the women’s 800m looks certain to be barred from defending her title.
Semenya is an intersex cisgender woman. Intersex people are born with any of several variations in sex characteristics that do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies, and Semenya identifies with the same gender – female – as she was assigned at birth.
Hubbard was born male and transitioned to female in 2012.
The 30-year-old South African has a hormone disorder, resulting in a higher level of testosterone – the condition being categorised as “46 XY DSD”.
One option to achieve that is to take a daily oral contraceptive pill – something Semenya said she did from around 2010 to 2015.
これを克服するには、彼女が2010年から2015年まで行ったように、毎日oral contraceptive pillを服用することが挙げられる。
But she suffered from side effects like fevers and experience abdominal pain and refuses to take medication now.
“It’s taking the soul out of my body,” Semenya told The Guardian.
“They want me to take my own system down. I’m not sick. I don’t need drugs. I will never do that.”
“I trained like a slave to be the greatest,” Semenya told The Guardian.
“I’ve watched Usain Bolt train. His training was insane and I am the same. My high testosterone levels are something I was born with, it’s a disorder. It doesn’t make me the best, though. That’s where the training and knowledge comes in.
THE Courier Mail
Transgender athletes: Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard sparks latest debate over what’s fair
Transgender athlete Laurel Hubbard, Caster Semenya: Commonwealth Games rules, fairness, Cate McGregor | The Courier Mail
April 9, 2018
The appearance of transgender Kiwi weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, 40, who competed internationally as Gavin before becoming at woman at age 35, at the Games has fanned the fire of debate that is split between two passionate and entirely plausible arguments.
ニュージーランド出身の40才、トランスジェンダーのウェイトリフティング選手ローレル・ハバードは、35才で女性への性転換を行う前は国際的にGavin(男性)として国際的に競技を行っていた。彼女が試合に出場することは二つのpassionate and entirely plausible議論を巻き起こしている。
Hubbard has bravely fought her way through the controversy, as has controversial South African middle distance champion Caster Semenya, who competed on Monday, continuing a career in when she was once suspended while she had tests to explore her sexuality. Semenya has never had gender surgery.
It’s hard to pound the pulpit and demand equality when things are not equal.
Rules which are sure to be tinkered with over the years ... and every change will put more fuel on the fire.
“Intersex” とは
compete 競い合う
They are always competing with each other.