Belarus forces airliner to land and arrests opponent, sparking U.S. and European outrage
Sunday, May 23rd, 2021
Belarus forces airliner to land and arrests opponent, sparking U.S. and European outrage
Belarusian authorities scrambled a fighter jet and flagged what turned out to be a false bomb alert to force a Ryanair plane to land on Sunday and then detained an opposition-minded journalist who was on board, drawing condemnation from Europe and the United States.
In what was described by some EU leaders as a hijacking, the passenger plane flying from Athens to Lithuania was suddenly diverted to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, escorted there by a Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jet. On its landing, authorities took journalist Roman Protasevich into custody.
Protasevich had his head in his hands and was shaking when he realised the flight was headed for Minsk, Lithuania’s Delfi news outlet said, quoting a passenger. Later, as he was led away, according to the report, he remarked: “I’ll get the death penalty here.” Reuters could not verify the report.
リトアニアのニュース「デルフィ」が乗客に聞いた話によると、プロタセビッチは、フライトがミンスク行きであることに知った時、頭を抱えて震えていたという。同報道によると、その後、彼は連行される際に、"ここで死刑になる" と述べた。ロイターはこの報道を確証できなかった。
The 26-year-old journalist worked for Poland-based online news service NEXTA, which broadcast footage of mass protests against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko last year via the Telegram messenger app at a time when it was hard for foreign media to do so.
Protasevich who now works for a different Telegram channel called Belamova, is wanted in Belarus on extremism charges and stands accused of organising mass riots and of inciting social hatred, allegations he denies.
As European officials threatened new sanctions on Belarus, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the forced landing and arrest a "shocking act," demanded Protasevich's immediate release and said President Joe Biden's administration was "coordinating with our partners on next steps."
Saturday, May 26th, 2021
Lukashenko comments on Athens-Vilnius flight incident
MINSK, 26 May (BelTA) - Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the incident with the Ryanair plane as he met with MPs, members of the Constitutional Commission and representatives of the government bodies on 26 May, BelTA has learned.
MINSK, 26 May (BelTA) - ベラルーシのアレクサンドル・ルカシェンコ大統領は、5月26日に国会議員、憲法委員会のメンバーや政府機関の代表者と会談した際に、ライアンエアー機の事件についてコメントしたことがBelTAの取材で明らかになった。
“How were we supposed to act, especially given a recent spate of bomb threats in our country? You live in Belarus and you are well aware that we deal, almost on a daily basis, with fake bomb threats targeting our schools, universities, companies and planes that come from IP addresses in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. In each case we responded adequately,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.
“At that moment the plane had crossed the Belarusian border and was in our airspace. We informed the pilots of the plane and had to publish this information later. Was it Hamas or not does not matter today. The crew had time to make a decision. We had 123 passengers from various countries and six crew members in danger. The Belarusian nuclear power plant is located close to the flight route. The plane made a U-turn near this area. What if something went wrong? Do we need another Chernobyl here? How would the United States respond in such a situation, given its sad experience?” the head of the state asked a rhetorical question.