LGBTQ support in soccer
NBC news
Saturday, June 26th, 2021
Identity politics take to the soccer field as Germany stands up to Hungary's anti-LGBT laws.
When Germany played Hungary in a fiercely competitive Euro 2020 soccer match Wednesday night, the two countries' sporting contest mirrored a much wider clash happening off the field.
The two nations represent starkly opposing government stances on LGBT rights, with Hungary facing international criticism for a law, formally enacted this week, which bans the promotion of homosexuality or transgender issues in schools and seemingly conflates them with pedophilia.
Meanwhile, politicians in Germany called for the colors of the rainbow to illuminate the stadium in Munich during Wednesday's soccer match as a gesture of support for LGBT rights and a direct criticism of Hungary's stance.
The request was rejected by soccer's European governing body, UEFA, for being a breach of impartiality rules. After fierce criticism, particularly on social media, UEFA later clarified its position in a statement Wednesday, saying that it was "proud" to wear the rainbow colors but the "request itself was political" and "linked to the Hungarian football team's presence in the stadium."
Hungary today
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
14 European Union member states have made a joint statement condemning the Hungarian government for passing amendments which “discriminate against LGBTIQ people and violate the right to freedom of expression under the pretext of protecting children.” The Embassy of the United Kingdom in Hungary also shared a statement highlighting its issues with the rulings which impact those in the LGBTQ community, but Hungarian officials are certain that their critics are misinformed.
欧州連合(EU)加盟国14カ国は、ハンガリー政府が LGBTIQの人々を差別し、子どもを保護するという口実で表現の自由の権利を侵害する 修正案を可決したことを非難する共同声明を発表した。在ハンガリー英国大使館も、LGBTQコミュニティの人々に影響を与える判決に対する問題点を強調した声明を発表したが、ハンガリー政府は、その批判が誤った情報であることを確信している。
Justice Minister Judit Varga says Europe is being controlled by a “liberal steamroller,” while Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade P é ter Szijj á rt ó says the accusations are a part of a larger “global fake news campaign,” aimed against Hungary.
The statement specifically states that it opposes the amendments to the Child Protection Act, Act on Business Advertising Activity, Media Act, Family Protection Act and Public Education Act which prohibit the “portrayal and the promotion of gender identity different from sex at birth, the change of sex and homosexuality” for persons under 18.
The commission president is certain that the bill discriminates against people based on their sexual orientation, “and it goes against all the fundamental values of the European Union.”
欧州委員会委員長は、この法案が性的指向に基づいて人々を差別するものであり、「欧州連合のすべての基本的価値観に反する 」と述べた。
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade P é ter Szijj á rt ó believes a global fake news campaign has been launched to mislead the general public from “the content of the Hungarian law intended to protect children.
P é ter Szijj á rt ó 外務・通商大臣は、「子どもの保護を目的としたハンガリーの法律の内容」を一般市民に誤認させるために、世界的なフェイクニュースキャンペーンが行われていると考えている。
Vocabulary of the day
identity politics
a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.