Athlete Activism Hits Podium in Tokyo Amid New IOC Protest Rules
Yahoo news
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021
Raven “Hulk” Saunders, the U.S. shot putter who captured attention with her purple and neon-green hair and flamboyant face mask that echoed her nickname, became the first athlete to risk IOC sanctions by protesting from the medal podium. While receiving her silver medal, Saunders raised her arms and crossed them into an X shape to represent “the intersection of where all people who are oppressed meet.” It wasn’t the first demonstration of the Games, nor is it likely to be the last.
紫とネオングリーンの髪に、自分のニックネームと同じ派手なフェイスマスクで注目を集めた米国の砲丸投げ選手、レイヴン・「ハルク」・サンダースは、IOCの制裁を受ける危険を冒してまで、メダルの表彰台で抗議行動を行った最初のアスリートとなった。銀メダルを受け取る際、サンダースは両手を上げてXの形に組み、"抑圧されているすべての人々が出会う交差点 "を表現した。このデモは今大会で初めてのものではなく、また最後のものにならないだろう。
The Olympic flame was not even lit when athletes started to protest in Tokyo. Olympians on women’s soccer teams from the U.S., Sweden, Chile, Great Britain and New Zealand took a knee for social justice ahead of games that began two days before the Opening Ceremony. On the first weekend of competition, Costa Rican gymnast Luciana Alvarado choreographed a demonstration into her routine. She did not qualify for the final but cleverly planned her presentation to take a knee in front of the cameras.
The Tokyo Games opened with the IOC slightly relaxing Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter, which for years has argued that sports had to be “neutral,” barring “political, religious or racial propaganda,” and punishing some athletes severely for their activism. Last October, in an op-ed, IOC president Thomas Bach asked athletes not to engage in political activism during the Games, stating “the Olympic Games are not about politics.” However, a few weeks before the Tokyo Games, he announced the organization would allow demonstrations before competition as long as they are not disruptive.
東京大会では、IOCがオリンピック憲章の第50規則を若干緩和して開幕した。この規則は、長年にわたりスポーツは「政治的、宗教的、人種的なプロパガンダ」を禁止する「中立」でなければならないと主張してきたもので、一部のアスリートが活動を行うと厳しい罰を受けることになっていた。昨年10月、IOCのトーマス・バッハ会長は論説の中で、「オリンピックは政治に関するものではない 」と述べ、大会中に政治的活動を行わないようアスリートに求めた。しかし、東京大会の数週間前、バッハ会長は、混乱を招かない限り、競技前のデモを許可すると発表した。
Wednesday, July 28th, 2021
When it comes to political and social demonstrations during the Tokyo Olympics, 2021 is the year of women. Female athletes have attracted the spotlight on the international stage by championing racial equality and taking ownership of what they wear during competitions.
"Historically, we've seen the role of patriarchy sort of supersede ... the voices, lived experiences of girls and women on the Olympic stage," said Akilah Carter-Francique, executive director of the Institute for the Study of Sport, Society and Social Change at San Jose State University.
「サンノゼ州立大学のInstitute for the Study of Sport, Society and Social Change(スポーツ・社会・社会変革研究所)の事務局長であるアキラ・カーター・フランシク氏は、「歴史的に見ても、オリンピックの舞台では、家父長制の役割が少女や女性の声や生きた経験に取って代わるようになっています。」と述べた。
"What we're seeing now is an acknowledgment of their value in their perspective on many of the issues that are taking place," she said. Carter-Francique said the protests and demonstrations by female athletes in Tokyo are extensions of social movements that have fueled activism on U.S. soil and abroad. "The Black Lives Matter Movement, Me Too prior to that, served as catalysts for groups that have been historically marginalized and silenced to speak up," she said.
「今、私たちが目にしているのは、起こっている多くの問題に対する彼女たちの視点に、彼女たちの価値が認められているということです」と語った。カーター・フランシクは、東京での女性アスリートによる抗議活動やデモは、アメリカ国内や海外で活動を活発化させてきた社会運動の延長線上にあると述べる。「ブラック・ライヴズ・マター運動や、その前のMe Too運動などは、歴史的に疎外され、沈黙されてきたグループが声を上げるきっかけとなりました」と語った。
Several women's soccer teams — including the U.S. team before its opening match against Sweden — began their matches by taking knees in a gesture to end racism.