
Hi, my name is naoob. This is my first article on note. 

I'm Japanese, 23 years old, and university student. First of all, I explain why I start to write a blog on note. On my life I've lived so far, I haven't done anything. For six years from junior high student to high school student, My school was consistent middle and high school ,so I didn't take the entrance exam for high school, didn't do club activities. To be precise, there were some club activities that I did a little, however, basically I spend time to playing with friends and doing nothing.

For that reason, when I had to take exam for university, I didn't have enough preparation. However, I had silly sense of pride that came from what I can study(especially math), so I couldn't pass the exam for university I wanted to go to and I choose to take the exam one more year. For the year, I had studied much, so I could enter university, but a bad part of me came out again.

To my surprise, I did nothing for four years of university. Since I had been in such a situation, I didn't know what I wanted to do, after all, I choose that I've taken a break form university.  Now that I think about it, this is so bad, I felt sense of urgency. However, There has been one thing that I want to go abroad.

I have never been abroad even a sightseeing trip that taken by family, so I have wanted to know  the atmosphere of overseas street and culture. Now I think that what to do for me is studying English, however, I don't know that this is good or bad. Until now, I have studied English by myself, but I feel that I need to receive feedback by someone. This is reason I decided to write on note. 

My writing may be not good, if anyone is kind-hearted, please tell me more and more bad things about my English. From now on, I'm willing to write what happens around me or what I feel. 

