Yesterday, I joined the group work that was one of the internship. The reason why I joined that was I want to know how things I learned so far during University student are used. However, due to COVID-19, we were in online.My joined group work's purpose was to argue about given theme each other. The company I joined majors in ICT(Information and Communication Technology),so the theme was things involved with IT.
The company gave us the theme that considering how society is changing from now on, we should provide one company that manufacture plane or bullet train with what. My group's plan was that company manufacture not only them for another company but also goods for people to delivery soon(I'm sorry you don't know what I say). Therefore, we thought that we support the delivery device at part of IT and more notify people what things are not enough(for manufacturing company to know what thangs delivery).
summarizing these opinions, we announced in front of all participants. Well, this time was not a big intern, I experienced. I am poor at speaking with people, so this was good for me, however participating in real job will be more available and knowing about job.