
BBC Africa: Botswana: Lab tests to solve mystery of hundreds of dead elephants    ボツワナ ラボテストケース入りミステリー 数百の象の死

Botswana is investigating "completely unprecedented" deaths of hundreds of elephants since May.

The government said three laboratories in Canada, South Africa and Zimbabwe would be asked to "process the samples taken from the dead elephants".

More than 350 elephant carcasses have been spotted in Botswana's Okavango Delta in the past two months.

No-one knows why the animals are dying in Botswana - home to a third of Africa's declining elephant population.

Warning: Some people may find the following images upsetting

In a report prepared for the government, conservation organisation Elephants Without Borders (EWB) said its aerial surveys showed that elephants of all ages appeared to be dying, according to Reuters.

Dr Niall McCann, of the UK-based charity National Park Rescue, earlier this week told the BBC that local conservationists first alerted the government in early May, after they undertook a flight over the delta.

"They spotted 169 in a three-hour flight," he said. "To be able to see and count that many in a three-hour flight was extraordinary.

"A month later, further investigations identified many more carcasses, bringing the total to over 350."

"This is totally unprecedented in terms of numbers of elephants dying in a single event unrelated to drought," he added.






ロイター通信によると、政府のために作成されたレポートで、国境のない保護団体Elephants Never Borders(EWB)は、航空調査ですべての年齢の象が死んでいるように見えることを示したと述べています。

イギリス拠点とするチャリティー国立公園のレスキューのDr Niall McCannは今週初めに、BBCに、地元の保護活動家が5月初旬にデルタ上空を飛行した後、最初に政府に警告したと語った。

「彼らは3時間の飛行で169頭を発見した」と彼は言った。        「3時間のフライトでその多くを見て数えることができたのは桁外れでした。



Back in May, Botswana's government ruled out poaching as a reason - noting the tusks had not been removed, according to Phys.org.

There are other things which point to something other than poaching.

The war on elephants
Why elephants are seeking refuge in Botswana
The country that brought its elephants back from the brink
"It is only elephants that are dying and nothing else," Dr McCann said. "If it was cyanide used by poachers, you would expect to see other deaths."

Dr McCann has also tentatively ruled out natural anthrax poisoning, which killed at least 100 elephants in Botswana last year.

But they have been unable to rule out either poisoning or disease. The way the animals appear to be dying - many dropping on their faces - and sightings of other elephants walking in circles points to something potentially attacking their neurological systems, Dr McCann said.



「死んでいるのは象だけで、他には何もない」とDr McCannは述べた。 「それが密猟者によって使用されたシアン化毒だったら、あなたは他の動物の死を見るかもしれない。」

Dr McCannはまた、昨年ボツワナで少なくとも100頭のゾウを殺した細胞壊疽/**炭病を一時的に除外しました。

しかし、中毒や病気を除外することはできませんでした。Dr マッキャンは、1)動物が死んでいるように見える様子、               2)多くの象が顔を落としていること、                3)生き残っているゾウが「輪になって歩いて死んだ象を目撃が続いている場合」、                              生きている象の神経系を攻撃している可能性ははっきりしている。
