Surprise! Myanmar started Trans-Language! Rock:ラカイン州55歳のロヒンギャの男性が、キャウタウタウンシップのパウクセ村から55歳のロヒンギャの男性によって残酷に殺害されました。
Kyauktaw Township Village tract, Myaungpya village tract; U Abul Hussein (B), 55-year-old Abdul Hughes (55) from Lower Pauk Se village, at 11 pm on November 3 at 3 pm on a large field in the field between Thang Seik village tract and Thayetum village. He was fishing in a net where there were ditches. Water wells; He was fishing in a net where there were ditches. At about 11:30 pm, an Arakanese man from Thayetla village came with a knife and a gun. He struck five with a knife and then cut his neck, causing him to die on the spot.
チャウタウタウンシップビレッジトラクト、ミャウンピヤビレッジトラクト; U Abul Hussein(B)、55歳のアブドゥルヒューズ(55)、11月3日午後3時、ローワーパウクセ村から、タンセイク村とタエタム村の間の畑の広い畑で、水井戸;彼は溝がある網で釣りをしていた。午後11時30分頃、Thayetla村のアラカネ人がナイフと銃を持って来ました。アラカネ人はナイフでアブデュルヒューズを打ち、首を切って、その場で殺しました。
The other Rohingya, who was fishing nearby, saw other Rohingya fishing near the area, and then surrounded the logging site, fearing that two more Rakhine men were armed with guns and guns.
The fishermen ran to the village and told the villagers what had happened. The villagers reported that the villagers had complained to the police station in Kyauktaw. Local residents told Rohingya Today that a Rakhine man who had been stabbed by the police and two Rakhine were waiting to flee.
Police examined the body and handed it over to the family. Family members brought them home and buried them in the evening.
The site of U Abul Hussein's murder was about two miles from the harbour. It is only about a mile from Thayet village. Residents of the pipeline have also been forced to work on the farmland where U Abul Hussein was killed. Fishing; Shelters are often kept in shelters. In the past, many Rakhine cattle from Thayet village had been robbed of cattle, who were studying at the seams of the pipelines. The villagers said that the Thakhek villagers often trouble the Rohingya.
ウ・アブル・フセインの殺人事件の現場は、港から約2マイルのところにありました。 Thayet村からわずか1マイルです。パイプラインの住民はまた、ウ・アブル・フセインが殺された農地で働くことを余儀なくされました。シェルターはしばしばシェルターに保管されます。過去に、タヘク村、多くのラキネ牛は、パイプラインの継ぎ目で勉強していて牛を奪われていました。村人たちは、タヘク人の村人はしばしばロヒンギャを困らせると言った。