
CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF ViiV HEALTHCARE            祝, ViiVヘルスケア10年の歩み

2019 marks 10 years since the formation of ViiV Healthcare!
We’re reflecting on the incredible breakthroughs of the last decade and the many moments that have shaped our past and present.

Read more HIV breakthroughs from the last 10 years or share your own story on Twitter #10yearsofViiV

2019年は、ViiV Healthcareの設立から10年を迎えます!



“As a mother of two children, it broke my heart to learn about the high mortality of children living with HIV – and lack of optimal treatment options – when I met with global leaders at the Vatican in 2017.

I knew then that ViiV Healthcare had to step up and I am proud of all the work we have done in paediatrics since.”

Deborah Waterhouse
CEO, ViiV Healthcare


その時、私はViiV Healthcareがステップアップしなければならないことを知っていた。それ以来、小児科で診てきたすべての仕事を誇りに思っています」。

ViiV HealthcareCEO


“I was there at AIDS 2018 when Alison Rodger presented the final results from PARTNER 2. This was the moment where we could say with certainty that there was zero risk of HIV transmission when someone is undetectable on treatment. It was fantastic to be there, and it was fantastic to have ViiV Healthcare’s support in our conference and news coverage.

It meant we could get this message out to as many people as possible because this is a message which needs to be known, understood, and celebrated as widely as it possibly can be.”

Matthew Hodson
Executive Director, NAM / aidsmap

AIDS 2018でアリソン・ロジャーがPARTNER-2の最終結果を発表したとき、私はそこにいました。これは、患者が治療でウイルス検出できない場合にHIV感染リスクがゼロであると確実に言える瞬間でした。そこにいたのは素晴らしく、会議やニュース報道でViiV Healthcareがサポートしたことは素晴らしい瞬間だった。


NAM /AIDSmapエグゼクティブディレクター


“Since 2011, EGPAF-Malawi, in partnership with Positive Action, has provided technical assistance to 14 community-based organizations (CBOs).

The tailored and needs-driven technical assistance saw CBOs grow from having zero/minimal systems in place to becoming fully functional organizations.”

Malocho Phoso
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF-Malawi)

「2011年以来、EGPAF-Malawiは、Positive Actionと協力して、14のコミュニティベース組織(CBO)に技術支援を提供しました。




「医薬品特許プールとViiV Healthcareとのパートナーシップは、低所得国、中所得国の人々に高品質で調和のとれた薬を提供することを目指しています。



“The Medicines Patent Pool partnership with ViiV Healthcare has been about delivering high quality, affordable drugs, for people in low and middle-income countries.

When I think back over this partnership, it’s not the moment we signed the licence or the moment our generic manufacturers got quality approval that really stands out. It’s the moment that the medicines got into the hands of the people who need them.”

Charles Gore
Executive Director, Medicines Patent Pool
