Because it is a country Union Not just family all nation But Union of people albas "Serve Country LOVE I am"(That VIDEO May last emotionally) 私達はユニオン国である。でも全てのファミリーではない。イギリスに私の愛を込めて・・・
I should be a special point "May is a Girl/woman" & "Leader Prime Minister". However Journalists in the men's society(So Strong HOMO-social) write "the humiliating articles of May", but no one is true. So Listen to May-Self interview
Theresa May was born on October 1, 1956 (/təˈriːzə/;[1] née Brasier; born 1 October 1956) May exchange Husband name "MAY" however GOOOOD falling name about "Theresa Mary".May got Prime minister came from July 13, 2016, started: and/or TOP is UK democratic party, The UK people gave brilliant power Thatcher continues 2nd Women's prime on the May, The UK has a solution for women's empowerment since Elizabeth took Royal in the 1930s. Even in the UK, the prime minister of politics is the second generation "2-Female-only".
テレサ・メイは1956年10月1日に生まれました。 またはその両方がイギリスの民主党であり、イギリスの人々は素晴らしい力を与えた。英国でさえ、政治首相は「唯一の」第二世代/女性2名だけなのです。
The May Achievement,メイの功績
1. supported by/to Women's solution on the Thatcher and Elizabeth. 女性、少女をサッチャーとエリザベスと共にサポートしました。
2.LGBTQI brilliant supported by/on Same-sex-Marriage LGBTIの特に同性愛についてサポートしました。
3. Supported by/to disorder people 障害者をサポートしました 。
Disorder for Japanese so Mad! Please uses Dispeer!
日本の皆様に注釈です。DisorderはERが付く以上○○者という言い方しかありません、しかしながら「障害」として単独に独り歩きし始めているDisorderが障害と使われるのはおかしいのです。通信障害 PTS障害者 トランスジェンダー障害者 ETC 障害者という定義も難しいものがあります。例えばブラインド、デフなど出生時からその状態にある人々は「目がみえなくて良かった」という意見すらあるのです。もし社会が変えるmotivationにし障害(Dispeer)を持っている人をRespectし、全てのDisorderをDispeerに変えましょう!It is a comment to everyone in Japan. As the disorder is ER, it has only to be described as a ○○ person, however, it is strange that the disorder that is starting to walk alone as “disability” is used as the disorder. Communication Disorders PTS Disorders Transgender Disorders ETC It is difficult to define ETC disorder.
For example, people who have been in such a state since birth, such as blinds and diffs, even have the opinion that it was good that they could not see their eyes.
If the motivation of society is to change, Respect those who have Dispeers and turn all Disorders into Dispeers!
I call May “Teresa” by inspiration from Mother Teresa.LOL私はテレーサ、またはテレーザを「テレサ」と呼ぶ!
The May Career
When the coalition government was formed after the 2010 general election, May was appointed Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities However gave up the latter role in 2012. She continued to serve as home secretary after the Conservative victory in the 2015 general election and became the longest-serving home secretary in over 60 years. During her tenure, she pursued reform of the Police Federation, implemented a harder line on drugs policy including the banning of khat, oversaw the introduction of elected Police and Crime Commissioners, the deportation of Abu Qatada, and the creation of the National Crime Agency, and brought in additional restrictions on immigration.[3] She is to date, the only woman to hold two of the great offices of state.
May has a professional sector is The UK bank or International pay system or Money consultant about relationship UK=EU all over the World, May support Disorder and Female people in 1998-1999, in 2001 election after Lain Duncan Smith in the "Shadow Cabinet" transport on the May.
May was appointed the first female Chairman of the Conservative Party in July 2002. During her speech at the 2002 Conservative Party Conference, she explained why, in her view, her party must change: "You know what people call us? The Nasty Party. [32] [33] In recent years a number of politicians have behaved disgracefully and then compounded their offences by trying to evade responsibility. We all know who they are. Let's face it, some of them have stood on this platform.
Same-sex relationships 同性愛
In 1998, May voted against lowering the age of consent for homosexual acts,[301] and was absent for the vote on the repeal of Section 28 in 2003.[302] In May 2012, however, May expressed support for the introduction of same-sex marriage by recording a video for the Out4Marriage campaign,[303] in which she stated "I believe if two people care for each other, if they love each other, if they want to commit to each other... then they should be able to get married and marriage should be for everyone".[304] In May 2013, May voted in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, which legalised same-sex marriage in England and Wales.[305]1998年、5月は同性愛行為に対する同意の年齢を下げることに反対し[301]、2003年の第28条の廃止に関する投票には欠席しました。[302]しかし、2012年5月には、Out4Marriageキャンペーンのビデオを録画することで同性婚の導入を支持することを表明した[303]。もし彼らが互いに誓約したいのであれば…それから彼らは結婚することができなければならず、そして結婚は皆のためであるべきです。」[304] 2013年5月、5月、イギリスとウェールズで同性婚を合法化した結婚(同性カップル)法案に賛成投票した[305]。
Ethnic options 民族
She accused some unnamed colleagues of trying to "make political capital out of demonising minorities", and charged others with indulging themselves "in petty feuding or sniping instead of getting behind a leader who is doing an enormous amount to change a party which has suffered two landslide defeats".彼女は何人かの無名の同僚を「少数民族の悪魔化から政治的資本を奪う」ことを試みたことを非難し、2人を悩ませた党を変えるために莫大な量をしている指導者を後退させるのではなく地すべりは敗北する "。