Communism & LGBT Bible & LGBT 共産主義LGBT聖書LGBT
Communism, the times are often caught by the notion of "Queer" & "Worst" for LGBTQ. In addition, Bible Religions have no description about LGBT, so it may be difficult for LGBT to stand in a country based on "Bible religion". First of all, it is important to keep in mind that the movements of "female" & "black" resonate and grow together while being anachronistic.
I have given testimony from Russia as a representative communist country. 3In March 2012, a homosexual prohibition law was enacted in Russia in the following name.
Federal Law on the Protection of Children from Information Promoting Denial of Traditional Family Value "Federal Law on the Protection of Children from Information Which Damages Health and Development" Article 5 and Revision of Individual Legal Practices of the Russian Federation
Until enacted, "gay parades" & gay activities are contained by Russian politicians, and some Russian gay people need more than 100 years to gain gay recognition for "Russian culture"! There is even the view that. Homosexuality rooted in culture is forbidden. However, if you follow Russia carefully, women's solution has been recognized since the `` WWII '' after- `` it will be possible to find a breakthrough here ... '' Putin's remarks in 2018-2019 have brought a certain change Was.
代表的な共産国とし「ロシア」から証言をあげています。 2012年3月、ロシア国内で、以下の名称による同性愛宣伝禁止法が樹立されました。
伝統的家族価値の否定を宣伝する情報から子供を守ることを目的とした 『健康と発達を害する情報からの子供の保護に関する連邦法』 5条及びロシア連邦の個々の法律行為の改定に関する連邦法
以下のビデオ見て下さい。look-see VIDEO (English)
プーチン ゲイは犯罪ではない。子供時代から培われるセクシャル・オリエンテーション(性的指向)であると断言。ただ教会に関してはロシアはバイブルと憲法は一緒ではない。と指摘。前置きとして「社会に影響を与え続けていくことは私一人では無理である」ことを最初に告げた。
Is it a gene to saem sex like? What is your living environment/habit?
Here we can see that there is no basis for the evidence and DNA that can be gay and that these are the factors that can become gay, such as the living environment and education, which have a large weight.
同性を好きになることは遺伝子? 生活環境/習慣?
The paper concludes that there is no proof that genetically gay children are born from gay people. However, why do male gays get erected-penis? Is L-biain getting wet in Vaina? These are because the brain issues commands and the "brain" signal theory will be clear if you look at transgender.
Transgender people have the gender at birth, while "Brain" keeps giving the opposite gender and "Brain". During puberty, male/female hormone secretion peaks, so I send instructions more strongly, but since both hormones are out, ``gender change'' which gives a "decision hit" is determined until the age of about 30-40 old-years when the hormone is determined Those who "will enrich that person".
Although micro-feminization(LOL), micro-masculinization(LOL), or hormonal therapy, is used in many transgenders, this human administration seeks new treatments and doesn't benefit from LGBT only.
For example, when sexual desire disappears in hormone therapy, "male hormone"
The use of "female hormones" is thought to be useful to prevent hair loss,
In the future, it may become primary care. (From Araki et al. 2018 elderly SEX)
In the same-sex marriage, elderly people don't want SEX, but in the relationship between caretakers and caregivers, "marriage" is embodied under the agreement of "same-gender" and straight people certainly benefit from it depending on how they are used. Your's.
The "sweat & tears" that LGBTQ people have walked illuminate straight people.
各国の反応 country response
2015年6月にアメリカ民主党オバマ大統領の下で「同性婚」が憲法に保障されました。Obama makes Same-Sex-Marriage law in the US in 2015'
Taiwan followed in Asia. We should now step into the right to have a child.
In addition, the Communist Executive should overlook that there is a "dominant ideology" that evils, "preserving sex" (it is considered impossible).
What is Bible Religion?
What is the Bible-based religion? Do you think it is Christian? In fact, Islam, Jew (Jewish), and the three major religions actually come from the Bible. Which new-Bible in the old-Bible? Or "how to interpret it?" And "how it is translated it?" That's just the difference. However, it is clear that in the written description, "I like same-sex" is not in the description.
Why do the three major religions have values such as "high male status", "cannot like same-sex" and "abortion"? OR, Does it have a description of the bible? Is there not? It is the difference.
なぜ3大宗教は、「男性の地位が高く」「同性を好きになるわけが無い」「中絶禁止」などの価値観が存在するのか? それはバイブルの記述があるか?ないか?の違いなのです。
結論 Result
"Glee" Actresses, Jane Lynch & Jane Rola Please,see VIDEO
「ゲイということを」ただ受け入れるということだけではなく 自慢したり 祝うことも出来るのだから・・・ゲイになったことを パーティーに招いたり、一晩中パーティーで明け暮れることも出来るのだから。