


ロスチャイルド等の世界金融資本家が、C・I・スコフィールド等に資金援助をして、『スコフィールド引照・註解付き聖書』を出版させている。聖書の預言に見せかけてサタンの似非計画=1948年イスラエル建国=NEW WORLD ORDER計画があったといえるであろう。【注1.教会のシオニスト化4 by エドワード・ヘンドリー参照 http://www.millnm.net/cgi-bin/page.cgi?url=../qanda4/61OnanTjkd8Y39423.htm  】




① ディスペンセーション主義=神の人類に対する取り扱いの歴史を7つの時期に分割。【①無垢の時代、②良心の時代、③人間による統治の時代、④約束の時代、⑤律法の時代、⑥恵みの時代、⑦御国の時代】


② 19世紀イギリス=エドワード・アーヴィングが端緒を開く。→プリマス・ブレザレンが受け入れる。その中で、ジョン・ネルソン・ダービが推進者となる。二段階再臨論。第一段階は、患難前携挙説、第二段階は、キリストが、聖徒と共に再臨し支配する。


③ 20世紀=『多くのディスペンセーション主義者は、1948年5月14日のイスラエル国の建国を、旧約聖書のディスペンセーションの成就として理解した。』ただし、『近年のディスペンセーション主義者は、イスラエルと教会の区別を緩める傾向にある。』




トラーユダヤ教【 Torah Judaism 】からの引用(機械翻訳)。



David Sorensen氏への脅し=クリスチャンからの脅し!→ロスチャイルド傀儡国家イスラエルはシオニスト国家←ユダヤ教のラビも国家イスラエルを拒否!
Online version 【 https://stopworldcontrol.com/two-israels/ 】

”They are trying to kill me

Every time I publish verifiable facts about the military state of Israel, I receive death threats... from Christians! I am faced with a violent eruption of intense hatred, that even wants to kill me.

I can reveal truth about any other topic, and be safe from persecution. It doesn't matter what I expose, be it about vaccines, banking, governments, child abuse, weather manipulation, you name it... I will be fine. But the moment I lift the veil about what is truly going on with the state of Israel, I receive death threats, smear campaigns are unleashed, and an incredible spirit of vicious hatred is released against me... by Christians! They send me emails and text messages with the most spiteful content, calling me the worst names they can come up with.

Why is this? What is going on?

Where does this hatred come from?

I received a text message from a famous medical professional, who I have interviewed, and with whom I made documentaries. She even stayed at our place for several days. I defended her, supported her and shared her message about the dangers of vaccines to humanity. But when she learned about the truths I am revealing about Israel, she texted me:

"Don't ever contact me again. I NEVER KNEW YOU!"

What is it that causes allies, friends, brothers and sisters to turn against one another? Is this the heart of our Creator who is pure love? Clearly not.

What spirit is this? Where does this fierce hatred come from?

The origin of the true Israel

We find the answer by looking at the spiritual origin of the military state of Israel. It may surprise some who read this, but the spiritual roots of the modern military state that calls itself Israel is very different from the roots of the biblical people that were called Israel.

Let's first look at the roots of the original Israel.

According to the Bible, Israel is the name given to all people worldwide who truly love the Creator with all their heart. Israel is not a political nation but refers to all the people worldwide who have a purified (circumcised) heart, who are born from above, and who walk with the Creator. This is explained in detail throughout the Bible, for example in the letter to the Romans and the letter to the Galatians.

Israel means "royal child of God". It is a name for all God's children.

According to Scripture all people worldwide who have faith in God, are the offspring of Abraham, who is called the "father of the faith". Abraham received this name, because he was the first man on earth to be faithful to the Creator, amidst a wicked culture that worshiped demons.

As a result the Creator said to Abraham:

"A great people will come forth from you, like the number of the stars".

These people would walk in the footsteps of Abraham, because they would be faithful to the Creator, just like Abraham. They would be the family of God, the apple of God's eye, his precious possession, the place where the Almighty dwells. A people who don't worship demons, who don't walk in wickedness and perversion, who don't cause war and violence, but people who live in compassion and love, who have pure hearts and hands, and who bring healing to humanity.

Scripture states that it is in fact Christ who is the true offspring of Abraham, and all who are in Christ. I can quote 500 scriptures, but all who have eyes can read this abundantly all throughout the New Testament (for example Romans, Galatians, Colossians, etc.).

Scripture states that in ancient Israel the vast majority of people wasn't truly Israel.

Most Israelis opposed God, disobeyed him, worshipped demons, sacrificed their children to idols, practiced sexual perversion, and followed after all forms of evil and wickedness. A very small remnant in Israel was truly Israel. (This is stated all throughout Jeremiah, Isaiah, Romans, Galatians, etc.).

The origin of the State of Israel

Painting of the Rothschilds who built the Supreme Court of Jerusalem as a masterpiece of Freemasonry

When we look at the roots of the modern military state of Israel, we see quite a different story. It was initiated by a movement called “Zionism” which consists mostly of “secular Jews”, people who reject the Creator, but assume the Jewish identity. This movement was greatly supported by the notorious family of the Rothschilds, who are well known for their involvement in freemasonry and satanism.

The Rothschilds are prominent players in the so called “elites” who aim for world domination. They are behind the World Economic Forum and other globalist organizations. See our in depth evidence report about the agenda for world domination.

It is the Rothschilds who funded the state of Israel. The purpose of this state is to make it the center of a one world government.

In its short existence, the state of Israel has developed the following characteristics:

✔︎ It is one of the most atheist nations in the world.

✔︎ It is a heavy promotor of LGBTQ+ and transgenderism

✔︎ It is a safe haven for pedophiles

✔︎ It is a center of freemasonry

✔︎ It hosts the largest pride parade in the Middle East

✔︎ It tortures hundreds of children in prison

✔︎ It has murdered hundreds of thousands of defenseless people

✔︎ It is to become the headquarters of a one world government.

✔︎ It brags about how Israel was a test lab for the vaccines

✔︎ It was the first nation to exclude unvaccinated people from society

✔︎ It created the intelligence agency Mossad, which operates under the control of the elites, to commit crimes against humanity

✔︎ Israel created Hamas, to depict the Palestinian people as terrorists

The state of Israel is in every aspect the exact opposite of the Biblical Israel.

It is for this reason that ultra-orthodox Jews worldwide strongly oppose this state. Christianity was however strategically infiltrated in the 20th century, to ensure the support of the billions of Christians worldwide. This was mostly done through fear and intimidation, by saying that Christians who support this military state are "blessed by God", while those that don't support it are "cursed by God".

What we must understand is that using the name Israel doesn't make you Israel.

As we see that Israel was founded by satanists, we understand where the intense hatred comes from, when truth about this state is revealed. It cloaks itself with a religious veil, while it is in fact the opposite. It shamelessly abuses Bible verses to defend the mass murdering of millions of people, while denying the true message of the Bible that the Israel of God is not political or military.

Watch this highly revealing film


This ground breaking film shows evidence for the above and explains how the worldwide Christian Church was hijacked by the cabal, in order to get the support of the billions of Christians for this military state. Don't hesitate to watch it. And please have the courage to share it far and wide.

Let's be people of love, truth, kindness and peace.

Please support our mission

We have been severely censored the past months and lost most of our funding. If you value me sticking my neck out, to expose the true agenda of evil, and waking up the world, despite being hated and threatened, then please support our mission. We seriously need it. Thank you. ”

【動画】キリスト教徒がシオニズムについて教えられていないこと【What Christians Aren't Taught About Zionism】

