
Bummed (1988) / Happy Mondays


【Fovarite Song】

  Wrote for Luck (#7)


・#10はどこかで聴いたメロディーのツギハギ感。The Beatlesとか。

【My Favorite "Happy Mondays" 10songs】

1   24 Hour Party People (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #9)
2   Oasis (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #8)
3   Olive Oil (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #5)
4   Wrote for Luck (Bummed #7)
5   Weekend S (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #6)
6   Moving in With (Bummed #2)
7   Tart Tart (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #2)
8   Kuff Dam (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #1)
9   Mad Cyril (Bummed #3)
10  Little Matchstick Owen (Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) #7)
