The Gift (1982) / The Jam
【Fovarite Song】
Town Called Malice (#10)
・音楽性の変化をみると、The JamからThe Style Councilへの脱皮は必然。
・#10は映画”Billy Elliot”の印象が強い。
・個人的にはPaul Weller関連の作品の中では一番好き。発展的解散っぽさがあって理想のラストアルバムとも思う。
【My Favorite "The Jam" 10songs】
1 Town Called Malice (The Gift #10)
2 In the City (In The City #7)
3 Down in the Tube Station at Midnight (All Mod Cons #12)
4 Running on the Spot (The Gift #6)
5 Heat Wave (Setting Sons #10)
6 Boy About Town (Sound Affects #10)
7 Art School (In The City #1)
8 David Watts (All Mod Cons #4)
9 Just Who Is the 5 O'Clock Hero? (The Gift #4)
10 That's Entertainment (Sound Affects #6)