
Recent Hapatra stuffs (2024/06/24)【cEDH】

1. Introduction

Here, I would like to introduce recent Hapatra stuffs, nice ones and maybe boards. Although recent, it has been a long time since the last Chibidora Cup report, so I will introduce the cards in the sets that have been released in the meantime.

In case you missed it, here is the previous tournament report & deck list (sorry in Japanese).

and this is the current deck list.

The previous report was Nov. 25th 2023, so so the sets released during this period were,

- Murders at Karlov Manor (Feb. 2024)
- Fallout (March)
- Outlaws of Thunder Junction (April)
- Modern Horizon 3 (June)

… It's almost the first half of the year.

In addition to this, I would like to introduce Assassin's Creed, which will be released next month.

OK, Let's take a look at the cards of interest in these sets!

2. Murders at Karlov Manor

2.1 Archdruid's Charm

Nice instant

Heavy MV and colored-mana requirement are a concern, but all modes are strong: land and creature search, creature removal, and annoying stax removal.
I haven't added it in the current list (because I wanted to try out a new stuffs from MH3), but I may change some slots to this one.

2.2 Underground Mortuary

Surveil land

Stronger than expected. The current list don't use reanimation tactics so much, but it is good to improve the quality of draws by fetch when you don't have many things to do. But this land already gave up its seat to the excellent lands that followed.

3. Fallout

3.1 Viridescent Bog

The only playable card in Fallout

It was not a small problem that we cannot cast Hapatra in T1 even you have both a crypt and a land in your opening hand. Viridescent Bog solves that issue. Happily and sadly, this land has given up its seat, as the lands that should have taken precedence over it has appeared in MH3.

4. Outlaws of Thunder Junction

4.1 Lively Dirge


≪Black Sun's Zenith≫ in Hapatra cus it's black and we get Yawgmoth if we cast it with XB (X = 4). This spell is also a nice reanimation spell.
This is meta calling issue whether to choose ≪Beseech the Mirror≫ or Dirge cus Mirror's MV is one less than Dirge. I think we can add both. If there is a search spell to remove from the current list, it would rather be ≪Time of Need≫ imo.

4.2 Vraska Joins Up

Nice advantage engine

This card seems to be a nice advantage engine alternative to ≪Braids, Arisen Nightmare≫. Unlike Braids, it can draw a card in our main phases, so if you want to use Tutor effectively, this card might be the better choice.
Unfortunately, both Braids and ≪Vraska Joins Up≫ are too slow in the recent meta, so I've removed them, but I think they have the potential to be a grindy option if the meta changes.

5. Modern Horizon 3

5.1 Eladamri, Korvecdal


The best stuff from MH3
Before I actually played it, I thought, "Will it be too weird and removed very quickly?" But it turns out that Nadu is much more weird and other creatures are not removed so much anymore, so I can get a stable advantage.
Hapatra can easily achieve the requirement of "two untapped creatures" with just one attack.
Basically, it is good to use it as an advantage engine, and at the end of the game, to save mana source by putting Yawgmoth stacked with Tutor, or to put a Yawgmoth or Dosan from your hand without considering counter spells.
Also, it is psychologically quite significant that I no longer make absolutely no mistake about when to sac the LED after entering the bargain with Yawgmoth lmao.

5.2 Birthing Ritual


At first glance, it seems to be strictly worse than ≪Birthing Pod≫. But it lacks certainty, so it is better to use it as an advantage engine rather than as a way to find combo pieces.
Hapatra can supply tokens, so it is not bad to accelerate mana by generating 1 MV mana dorks from snakes.
I haven't used it cus I'm sceptical about the fact that there are only few creatures with 3 MV whereas Yawgmoth is 4 MV, but some Hapatra players seem to recieve a positive response. (from Hapatra discord server)

5.3 Sowing Mycospawn

Nobody casts with Kicker

A creature that can search Cradle by triggered ability. If you succeeded to cast it, the Cradle count increases, so it's actually 3 MV creature. 3 mana to bring a Cradle (and others) is unbeatable, so I'd like to try it, but I'm still discussing with the slot. In other words, it's not enough strong to say "BIN" and adopted it preference to the others.

5.4 Six


Excellent as a land collector and re-user some stuffs. However, in Hapatra, it is not involved in combos, so I feel that more aggressive cards would be better. I'd like to try it out a bit more cus only strong abilities are described.

5.5 Wight of the Reliquary


I wish it were not "tapped"…


5.6 Shifting Woodland

Practically Reanimate

A land that can become a permanent in your graveyard. In Hapatra, which is not a Hulk type, I don't want to have so much reanimation spells, thus it's nice that a land have that role imo. I don't mind Delirium condition too much cus generally it is already achieved by the timing I want to use this ability.

5.7 Spymaster's Vault

Edric is died

The second best card from MH3.
It has little use in fast games, but in slower games, it can be activated at the end of the turn when some creatures died to improve the quality of your hand. I think it is nice to be able to add a card like this in the land slot, which is useful in the mid or/and long game ranges.
It can also accelerate digging cards in situations when "Hapatra + Yawgmoth are ready, but the toughness value of the battlefield is too low to win". At one glance, it seems to only double (+α) the toughness value of the battlefield, but it is important to note that Connive can also increase a creature's toughness value. Activating Yawgmoth's ability again on a creature with increased toughness after you have finished connive will allow you to draw more cards than you think.
Remember that Yawgmoth cannot target itself, so targeting Hapatra or some other creatures is better.
≪Spymaster's Vault≫ also works well with ≪Shifting Woodland≫ and ≪Six≫, so I'd like to test them together more.

6. Assassin's Creed

6.1 Apple of Eden, Isu Relic

The One Ring of Assassin's Creed. I want to use it cus I like the game

MV 4 seems to be too heavy, but I want to test it. We should get strong interruptions cus this apple is too annoying, thus I think it is weaker than it looks if we can use it only once… but ≪Six≫ in the immediately preceding set may be such a little sign…

6.2 Aveline de Grandpre

Is it inevitable that she has BG colour because of the appearance of the bayou in ACIII Liberation?

Maybe interesting in casual Hapatra… I remember that Assassin's Creed III: Liberation was quite interesting and I'd like to use her, but at the very least I wanted her to have the same ability as Toski…

7. Attendre et espérer

I already well tested the cards in older sets so inevitably there were fewer cards of interest, but there was at least one card to look at in every set (fortunately).
Fallout was almost completely empty in the end, but there were a number of cards, such as Pip-Boy, that were quite interesting in the test play. These cards may have their time to shine depending on the meta game. (I've already made them shine physically…)
The stuffs in MH3 have not yet been tested many times, so the evaluation is not yet fully established, but there are many noteworthy cards to look forward to in the future. For instance, among those not introduced here, the new Necro and the new Nightmare may one day be re-evaluated in the Hapatra. I don't think the new Necro will be added in the current list, which already removed the original Necro, but if the meta game changes, I think it would be fun to include both the original and the new Necro. I don't know about new Nightmare…
Speaking of MH3, Nadu is hot. But it is too hot and thus get excessively interactions, or people think other creatures are weaker than Nadu and they avoid removals, then as a result Hapatra seems to win more often than not. When this heat dies down a little more, I think we will have to change our lists. The day when ≪Wild Shape≫ shines again is coming...?
Well, I'm praying every day morning that the greens will be strengthened drastically in Bloomburrow before the environment solidifies…


=== The previous article ===

=== The magazine of the Hapatra articles ===
